Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

第23卷    第z1期    2013年12月

细晶及超细晶钛合金加工工艺 郭鸿镇,赵 严,赵张龙,姚泽坤,石志峰,彭小娜 1
粉末压坯锻造和粉末压坯挤压纯钛的力学性能 梁 存1,马明星1,张德良1,贾明途2,S. RAYNOVA2,闫健强1 7
冷拉拔变形量和时效温度对TB9钛合金丝材组织和性能的影响 黄鎏杰,王 健,张慧博,金 伟 11
锻造方法对TA15钛合金组织和性能的影响 张旺峰1, 2,王玉会1,颜孟奇1,张庆玲1 15
电子束熔化逐层成形法制备Ti-6Al-4V合金的组织与力学性能 王 哲1,张 钧1,李述军2,侯文韬2,郝玉琳2,杨 锐2 20
基板厚度对激光直接成形Ti6Al4V合金显微组织和温度历史的影响 韩远飞1, 2,吴鑫华2,梅俊发2,T. JARVIS2,J. SHURVINTON2,吕维洁1 24
激光冲击对高温钛合金组织及性能的影响 贾蔚菊,洪 权,赵恒章 29
TiNbTaZr钛合金的组织演变及弹性行为 王玉会,李 野,张旺峰,颜孟奇,李 艳 35
Ti-662钛合金棒材的组织和性能 朱宝辉1, 2,陈 林1,胡晓晨1,曾卫东2,刘彦昌1, 2,范存莹1 41
表面机械碾磨处理纯钛的显微组织和力学行为 尹雁飞1, 2,孙巧艳2,肖 林2,张鹏省1,毛小南1,孙 军2 46
热氢处理对TC21钛合金铸态组织的影响 张鹏省1 , 赵永庆1 , 曾卫东2 50
近β钛合金时效过程中次生α相的形核机制 张 雪1,寇宏超1,赖运金2,张丰收2,李金山1,周 廉2 57
Ti-7333钛合金低温时效过程中ω相的析出行为 蒙彩思,欧文超,花 珂,唐 斌,寇宏超,李金山 62
初生α相含量对TC4钛合金性能的影响 李四清,刘晶南,王 旭 67
第二相颗粒对Ti-22Al-25Nb合金中B2晶粒长大的抑制作用 薛 晨1,曾卫东1,王 伟1,马 雄1, 2,梁晓波2,张建伟2 71
Ti-55531近β钛合金的冷轧行为及其对后续时效组织的影响 陈福文,张晓泳,李志友,周科朝 75
TiNi形状记忆合金的冷轧非晶化行为 李君涛,崔 跃,周 瑾,杨 华,缪卫东,朱 明 81
高强钛合金挤压管材的组织及性能 赵 彬,赵恒章,郭荻子,戚运莲,杨英丽 86
钛合金精密铸造用氧化钙型芯烧结初期性能 高 鹏,周铁涛 92
TC25钛合金环材β锻造工艺对组织与性能的影响 董 洁,王永强,王韦琪,黄德超,马宏刚,王淑艳 97
电子束逐层熔化金属成型技术制备多孔Ti-6Ai-4V合金的力学性能 徐勤思1,程旭莹1,侯文韬1,王 哲 2,李述军1,郝玉琳1,杨 锐1 101
细晶TC4丝材的退火组织与性能 毛江虹,曹继敏,杨华斌 105
TC18钛合金的高温蠕变行为 丁长勤1, 2,刘会群1, 3,聂西安3,高 颀1, 2,王鼎春1, 2,陈缇萦3,郑志斌3,易丹青3 111
Ti-2.3Cr-1.3Fe合金固溶后的组织及力学性能 王振国1,叶文君2,蔡海娇1 116
β稳定元素Mo对600 ℃高温钛合金组织和性能的影响 魏寿庸1,石卫民1,郭佳林1,王鼎春1,王清江2,朱绍祥2,刘建荣2,陈志勇2 120
碳、硼对铸态ZTC4组织与性能的影响 戚运莲1,曾立英1,侯智敏1,洪 权1,刘时兵2,赵 军2,谢华生2 125
Ni含量对NiTi形状记忆合金相变及力学性能的影响 李艳锋,高宝东,尹向前 130
铌元素对铸造纯钛显微组织和性能的影响 刘时兵,娄延春,谢华生,赵 军,刘宏宇 134
氧含量对TB8钛合金力学性能的影响 张利军1,薛祥义1, 2,常 辉1, 2 139
微量硼的添加对Ti-9V-3Al-4Sn-5Mo合金显微组织和力学性能的影响 郁 炎1,宋德军1,李士凯1,刘兴军2 143
Si对Ti-600合金热稳定性能的影响 曾立英,洪 权,赵永庆,戚运莲 148
Mo含量对钛合金晶粒长大行为及力学性能的影响 邱建科,马英杰,吉海滨,雷家峰,刘羽寅,杨 锐 153
Mo、V、Cr元素对β钛合金力学性能的影响 李 倩1,葛 鹏1,赵永庆1,王 敏2,周 伟1 159
Fe含量对(Ti69.7Nb23.7Zr4.9Ta1.7)100-xFex合金体系非晶形成能力和热稳定性的影响 邹黎明1, 2,杨 超2,蔡一湘1 167
Ti60/TC17钛合金异材电子束焊接头的显微组织及显微硬度分布特征 于冰冰1,陈志勇1,王清江1,刘建荣1,李晋炜2 174
功率对TiNiNb合金激光微焊接接头成形及组织性能的影响 陈玉华1,戈军委1,陆巍巍1,封小松2 179
焊接线能量对TA2焊接接头组织和性能的影响 刘希林,李 炳,胡光远,晏阳阳,闫飞昊,范金伟 184
Ti-Fe-Al系合金GTAW和PAW接头的组织和性能 晏阳阳,郭小辉,刘志颖,王乃友,鄂 楠 189
Ti35合金与Nb的异材质焊接 吴金平1, 2,杨英丽1,奚正平1,孙 军2,苏航标1,罗媛媛1,宋飞飞1 193
TC4钛合金的真空扩散焊连接 熊进辉,高福洋,陈 斌,郭立栋 198
Ti/6061Al异种金属的热等静压扩散焊接 何金江,徐学礼,董亭义,王 越,吕保国 202
α-Ti单晶失稳机制和初始塑性的多尺度研究 顾剑锋,熊  凯,刘晓晖 207
体心立方金属及合金的广义层错能的比较 武鹤楠1,徐东生1,王 皞1,刘艳侠1, 2,杨 锐1 212
Ti60钛合金的热压缩变形行为 赵子博,王清江,刘建荣,陈志勇 217
Ti26钛合金热变形行为及本构模型 赵恒章1, 2,奚正平2,郭荻子2,赵 彬2,杨英丽2,毛小南2,肖 林1 221
金属弯头扩径推弯成形的金属流变特性 陈 军,杨英丽,杨海瑛,王廷询,段文森 226
高速变形过程中工业纯钛的孪生强化效应 邓希光,惠松骁,叶文君,付艳艳 231
应变速率对CT20孪生变形行为的影响 刘 伟,杜 宇,毛小南,杨海瑛 236
钛钢爆炸复合板波状界面的扩散行为 刘继雄1,张杭永1,王鼎春1,刘润生1,江海涛2 242
Ti-1100高温钛合金与氧化钇陶瓷型壳间的界面反应 赵而团1, 2,杨思一1,陈宗民1,孔凡涛2,肖树龙2,陈玉勇2 248
面心立方结构钛膜的相变 李 磊,韩 栋,毛小南,雷文光,贾蔚菊,郭 萍,张永强 253
Ti60合金保载疲劳行为的准原位观察 杨丽娜,刘建荣,王清江,杨 锐 257
TC4-DT钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展行为及Paris区转折点 祝力伟,王新南,朱知寿,商国强,李 军,费 跃,李 静 262
损伤容限TC4-DT钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展行为 郭 萍1, 2,赵永庆1, 2,曾卫东1,洪 权2 267
钛合金电子束焊接接头的疲劳裂纹萌生行为 刘 昕,毛智勇 271
TG6钛合金的高周疲劳性能 李 娟,蔡建明,段 锐,黄 旭 277
钛合金螺栓非正常拉伸断裂失效分析及工艺改进 姚 罡 282
高纯净度钛合金锭坯制备技术 杨文甲1,张文琦1,邢 义2,赵 军3,刘鸿羽3 287
TA18钛合金管材织构的表征及测定 张 晖1,刘燕平1,张旺峰2,颜孟奇2,王玉会2 292
Ti-6Al-4V合金中共格α析出相变体形貌演变的相场法模拟 张金虎1,滕春禹1,杨 梅2,徐东生1,王云志3,杨 锐1 296
TC17钛合金片层组织球化行为的有限元模拟及验证 贾志强,曾卫东,徐建伟,马 雄,孙 新 301
航空发动机用Alloy C+阻燃钛合金的抗点燃机理 弭光宝,黄 旭,曹京霞,王 宝,曹春晓 305
凝固路径对铸态ZTC4钛合金组织的影响 张守银1, 2,李金山1,寇宏超1,杨 光1 312
氟离子含量对Ti2448纳米晶在模拟唾液中腐蚀行为的影响 李 季,李述军,白 芸,郝玉琳,杨 锐 316
稀土Y2O3添加对医用β型钛合金腐蚀行为的影响 宋 秀1,王 磊1,新家光雄2,仲井正昭2,刘 杨1,王 冉1,朱苗勇3 320
正畸用新型TB12钛合金的组织与力学性能 牛金龙,田宇兴,余 森,麻西群,于振涛 326
多孔钛表面羟基磷灰石形貌及形成机理 李若琳1,寇宏超1,徐广胜1,李金山1,周 廉1,卢婷丽2 331
外科植入物用Ti6Al7Nb和Ti13Nb13Zr合金组织与性能 王卫民,罗斌莉 336
基于模量调控的医用多孔钛的设计与制备 徐广胜1, 2,李若琳1,寇宏超1,刘向宏2,李金山1,周 廉1 343
工业化高性能医用TC4ELI合金棒材的研制 麻西群,于振涛,牛金龙,张亚峰,皇甫强,刘春潮 348
低成本TC4钛合金板材的研制 冯秋元1,庞 洪1,乔 璐1,佟学文1,刘 睿2,叶文君2,王鼎春1,高 颀1 353
斜轧穿孔制备Ti80大口径无缝管材 苏航标,杨英丽,吴金平,罗媛媛,宋飞飞,周 伟 358
响应面设计在钛合金超塑性上的应用 席 兵1, 2, 3,巨建辉2,王蕊宁3 364
基于CAE技术的TB5钛合金V形波纹管结构优化设计 邱晓星,王英浩,唐 斌,程 亮,寇宏超,李金山 368
TC4薄壁壳体焊缝裂纹分析 柳 军,刘志颖,晏阳阳,王 洋,胡光远 374
电子束冷床炉单次熔炼TA10钛合金 郑亚波,陈 峰,乔 璐,国 斌,杨国庆 381
原位热压合成Eu2O3掺杂Al2O3/TiAl复合材料 王晓凤1,王 芬2,王兰芳1,朱忠忍1,杨 勇1,王淑塬1,田伟华1 387
热处理对TC4钛合金风扇叶片动态性能的影响 裴传虎,李臻熙,黄 旭,李四清,丁建山 391
热处理工艺对新型抗疲劳低成本钛合金组织和性能的影响 费 跃,朱知寿,王新南,李 静,李 军,商国强,祝力伟 398
冷轧及退火工艺对TA18管材组织和性能影响 尉北玲1,张亚峰2,于振涛2,韩建业3,余 森2,刘春潮2,皇甫强3 403
热处理对温拉拔TiNi合金丝相变和记忆功能的影响 王 健,金 伟,刘羽寅 408
PWHT温度对Ti2AlNb合金EBW接头显微组织和显微硬度的影响 吴冲冲1,王清江1,陈志勇1,李晋炜2,刘建荣1 413
不同热处理工艺对TC4-DT钛合金厚板组织和力学性能的影响 雷文光1, 2,毛小南2,杨冠军1,韩 栋2,李 磊2 418
Ti-1300钛合金热处理后拉伸性能的回归分析 周 伟1,葛 鹏1,卢金文1, 2,曾丽英1,李 倩1,赵永庆1 424
高温均匀化处理对TC11合金锻件组织和性能的影响 韩 栋1,毛小南1,邓瑞刚2,张鹏省1 429
热处理工艺对TB8钛合金显微组织和力学性能的影响 商国强,王新南,费 跃,李 军,朱知寿 433
固溶处理对Ti65高温钛合金组织与性能的影响 王 旭,李四清,李臻熙,黄 旭,刘晶南 437
固溶处理对Ti2448合金低周疲劳性能的影响 张 强1,李述军1,张思倩2,郝玉琳1,杨 锐1 441
热处理对Ti46Αl4Nb1Cr0.2B合金相和等温热压缩行为的影响 郭险峰,孔凡涛,陈玉勇 445
双重退火对BTi-6431S合金板材组织与性能的影响 张文婧1,宋晓云1,惠松骁1,王永玲1,王小翔2,王韦琪2 452
热处理对Ti-22Al-25Nb合金显微组织演变及显微硬度的影响 王 伟1,曾卫东1,薛 晨1,梁晓波2,张建伟2 456
热等静压对TC4钛合金薄壁铸件疲劳裂纹扩展特性的影响 冯 新1,彭 霜1,马英杰1,雷家峰1,吴鑫华2,崔玉友1,杨 锐1 462
热处理对医用Ti-15Nb-5Zr-6Mo合金组织与力学性能的影响 田宇兴,于振涛,李 程,车永平,唐 蛟,刘少辉 467
焊后热处理对Ti2AlNb合金焊接接头显微组织及力学性能的影响 韩晓东1,宋 涛2,胡 明2,杨秀娟1,任 萍1,卢 斌2 472
时效处理对Ti65高温钛合金性能的影响 王 旭,李四清,李臻熙,黄 旭,刘晶南 477
β固溶处理对TC21合金组织性能的影响 侯智敏1, 2 ,毛小南1, 赵永庆1, 2 张鹏省1, 雷文光1, 于兰兰1 480
热处理对Ti3Al基合金板材微观组织和力学性能的影响 郭佳林1,魏寿庸1,杨 奇1,王 新1,曹京霞2 485
热处理对Ti44Al6Nb0.6B合金组织及力学性能的影响 李建崇1,陈瑞润2,吕昕舆2,赵晓丽2,丁宏升2,郭景杰2,傅恒志2 490
热处理对TC4薄板组织与性能的影响 党 鹏,高维娜,付文杰,李 辉,吕利强 494
热处理对Ti-45Nb丝材微观组织和拉伸性能的影响 刘彦昌1, 2,朱宝辉1, 2,赵洪章1,王培军1,陈睿博1,王晓平1,曾卫东2 500
Ti80合金时效过程中组织演变及其对力学性能的影响 郭爱红,吴义舟,陈庆磊,宁二宾 505
Ti6321钛合金退火处理过程中组织演变及其对冲击韧性的影响 杨治军,郭爱红,吴义舟 512
去应力退火对Ti6321合金组织与性能的影响 张斌斌,陈 斌,陈利阳,杨 瑞,李培跃,蒋 鹏,廖志谦 517
TiNiCu合金的热压缩变形行为 尹向前,张振兴,高宝东,李艳锋,米绪军 521
异步与同步复合轧制法制备纳米晶钛的织构 李志明1,孙衍乐1,黄继武2,单爱党1 525
热加工工艺对TA30棒材显微组织及力学性能的影响 倪沛彤,韩明臣,朱梅生,郭金明,郭学鹏,朱 峰 531
连续SiC纤维增强钛基复合材料高温变形的有限元分析 赵 冰,侯红亮,李志强,廖金华 535
热加工工艺对Ti-6Al-4V钛合金抗弹性能的影响 郑 超1,王富耻1,程兴旺1,付克勤1, 2 545
Ti-6246合金的热变形本构方程及加工图 王国强,陈志勇,刘建荣,王清江 550
TC18钛合金热变形组织的计算分析 王清瑞,沙爱学,黄利军,李兴无 556
Ti-7Mo-3Nb-3Cr-3Al合金的热变形行为 花 珂,薛祥义,寇宏超,樊江昆,唐 斌,李金山 561
应变对TB9钛合金热变形行为及显微组织的影响 许 鑫,董利民,张志强,巴宏波,胡 明,关少轩,杨 锐 566
TC18近β钛合金低温变形过程中的相变行为 李少君,张晓泳,李 超 571
冷轧过程中CT20钛合金斜轧穿孔管坯的组织演化 杜 宇,刘 伟,郭荻子,杨海瑛,毛小南 576
预成形设计对钛合金叶片热模锻造过程回弹的影响 马 龙,高 涛,彭孝国 581
TA18变径管高压气胀成形工艺及壁厚分布 刘 钢1, 2,武 永1, 2,王建珑1, 2,苑世剑1, 2,汤泽军3 585
Ti40合金热加工保温过程中的组织演化 辛社伟1,李 倩1,李 笑1, 2,赵永庆1,洪 权1,毛小南1,杨海瑛1,葛 鹏1 590
锻造工艺对Ti40阻燃钛合金微观组织与力学性能的影响 曹京霞1,王 宝1,黄 旭1,孙欢迎1,赖运金2,杨 晋3 595
Ti55钛合金的热压缩变形及其本构方程 方 波1,陈志勇2,陈仲强1,王清江2,冯贞伟3,孙铁峰3, 刘 艳1,宋玺玉1,魏明霞1,胡井祥1,吕晶晶1 600
连轧速度对TC4钛合金棒材组织与性能的影响 王 田,陶海林,黄淑阳,雒水会 605
TA2/Q235轧制复合工艺 杨 哲,容 耀,刘润生,李向东 609
Ti6321合金高温变形行为及流动应力模型 于卫新,李兆峰,陈 斌,杨治军,蒋 鹏,李士凯 613
热轧温度对Ti-45Nb合金棒材微观组织及力学性能的影响 朱宝辉,王培军,刘彦昌,陈睿博,赵洪章,王晓平,郑爱国 619
轧制工艺对小规格纯钛棒材微观组织和力学性能的影响 王 海,樊亚军,崔文俊,魏芬绒,李 雷,陈志宏 624
冷却速率对TC4合金圆盘形变量、显微组织和力学性能的影响 李培跃,张斌斌,李 梁,李兆峰,陈 斌,李士凯 629
功率对电磁冷坩埚连续熔铸高铌钛铝合金温度场的影响 陈瑞润1,杜志强1,2,董书琳1,丁宏升1,苏彦庆1,郭景杰1,傅恒志1 633
Ti3Zr2Sn3Mo25Nb医用钛合金表面载银复合抗菌涂层的制备及其抗菌性能 余 森,于振涛,韩建业,张 强,牛金龙,刘春潮 639
Nb含量对高铌TiAl基合金显微组织和力学性能的影响 徐丽娟1,肖树龙1,2,贾 燚1,2,王致彬3,陈玉勇1.2 645
Ti-25Al-14Nb-2Mo-1Fe合金的热变形行为及组织演变规律 程 军1, 2,毛 勇2,于振涛1,牛金龙1,余 森1,麻西群1,田宇兴1 651
B对铸态Ti3Al合金组织和性能的影响 曹 磊1,2,王 震2,刘 冬2,崔玉友2,杨 锐2 658
W对高铌TiAl合金组织和力学性能的影响 韩建超1, 2,徐丽娟1,肖树龙1, 2,陈玉勇1, 2,王致彬3 662
不同初始组织TiAl合金轧制板材的组织演化 王 震,刘仁慈,刘 冬,崔玉友,杨 锐 667
新型超细晶结构Ti/TiC纳米复合材料粉末制备方法 郑逸锋,姚 勋,梁加淼, 张德良 673
原位自生(TiB+La2O3)/Ti复合材料脉冲氩弧焊接技术 毛建伟1,吕维洁1,黄 坚1,王立强1,张 荻1,覃继宁1,孙锡建2,朱晓星2 678
β-γ高Nb-TiAl合金的高温挤压模拟 郑君姿,张来启,侯永明,马向玲,林均品 684
生长速度对定向凝固Ti-46Al-8Nb合金微观组织及其硬度的影响 刘国怀,张 元,李新中,陈瑞润,苏延庆,郭景杰,傅恒志 690
热压烧结制备调控组织TiBw/Ti复合材料 黄陆军,唐 骜,胡 悦,陆成杰,耿 林 696
微合金元素对Ti-45Al-8Nb合金流动性能的影响 杨 亮1,吴丽娟2,柴丽华2,陈子勇2,林均品1 702
新型γ-TiAl基合金的高温流变行为及组织演变 罗媛媛1, 2,奚正平2,毛小南2,吴金平2,苏航标2,杨英丽2,宋飞飞2 708
Ti-22Al-25Nb合金锻后热处理过程中的组织演变 姚泽坤1,秦 春1,贾 倩1,宁永权1,郭鸿镇1,梁晓波2 713
Ti-43Al-9V-Y合金包套热轧热力耦合有限元模拟 孔凡涛,崔 宁,陈玉勇,訾凌君 718
高温反应烧结制备Ti-45Al-10Nb合金 李学问,孙宏飞,张 鹏,房文斌 722
少量B/TiB2对近β钛合金Ti-B20铸态组织的影响 黄立国1,2,孔凡涛1,杜赵新1,肖树龙1,徐丽娟1,陈玉勇1 726
钛铝反应动力学及其控制 曲海涛1,2,任学平1 ,侯红亮2,赵 冰2 730
混杂增强钛基复合材料的微观组织及力学性能 郭相龙,王立强,覃继宁,吕维洁 734
熔模铸造TiAl基合金界面反应和抗氧化性能 曹守臻1,2,徐丽娟1,肖树龙1,2,贾 燚1,2,陈玉勇1,2 738
硅元素在TiAl合金熔模铸造界面反应中的扩散行为 贾 燚1,2,肖树龙1,2,徐丽娟2,田 竞2,陈玉勇1,2 742
原位热等静压法制备Ti2AlN/Al2O3复合材料的微观结构及性能 郑 卓,崔玉友,杨 锐 746
用混合元素粉末冶金法制备高Nb含量TiAl金属间化合物过程中的反应机理 姚 勋,郑逸锋,梁加淼,张德良 751
锻造对(TiB+TiC)/Ti复合材料组织和高温拉伸性能的影响 张长江1, 2,张树志1, 2,孔凡涛2,肖树龙2,刘 浩2,陈玉勇2 756
铸态Ti-46.5Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.15B合金650 ℃的持久性能 林博超,刘仁慈,贾 清,崔玉友,杨 锐 761
La对Ti-44Al-6Nb合金组织及性能的影响 陈瑞润1,马志坤1, 2,董书琳1,丁宏升1,郭景杰1 765
Al和B含量对高温TiAl合金室温力学性能的影响 张志勇,马 睿,徐向俊,张来启,林均品 771
TC4-DT表面WC涂层微动磨损性能 杨伟华 776
机械球磨-分段烧结制备TiAl基金属间化合物多孔材料 李达人,崔利群,蔡一湘 781
钙热还原TiO2制备钛粉过程中还原产物的酸浸工艺 王东生1, 2, 3,徐宝强1, 2, 3,戴永年1, 2, 3,任新林1, 2, 3,杨 斌1, 2, 3 787

The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals


Vol. 23    Special 1    December 2013

Technologies, Microstructures and Performance
Processing technology of fine and ultrafine grained titanium alloy GUO Hong-zhen, ZHAO Yan, ZHAO Zhang-long, YAO Ze-kun, SHI Zhi-feng, PENG Xiao-na 1
Mechanical properties of powder compact forged and powder compact extruded titanium LIANG Cun, MA Ming-xing, ZHANG De-liang, JIA Ming-tu, S. RAYNOVA, YAN Jian-qiang 7
Effects of cold drawing deformation and aging temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of TB9 titanium alloy HUANG Liu-jie, WANG Jian, ZHANG Hui-bo, JIN Wei 11
Effect of forging method on microstructure and mechanical properties of TA15 titanium alloy ZHANG Wang-feng, WANG Yu-hui, YAN Meng-qi, ZHANG Qing-ling 15
Microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by electron beam melting WANG Zhe, ZHANG Jun, LI Shu-jun, HOU Wen-tao, HAO Yu-lin, YANG Rui 20
Effect of substrate thickness on microstructure and temperature history of direct laser fabricated Ti-6Al-4V alloy HAN Yuan-fei, WU Xin-hua, MEI Jun-fa, T. JARVIS, J. SHURVINTON, Lü Wei-jie 24
Effect of laser shock processing on microstructure and properties of high-temperature titanium alloy JIA Wei-ju, HONG Quan, ZHAO Heng-zhang 29
Microstructure evolution and elastic behaviors of TiNbTaZr titanium alloy WANG Yu-hui, LI Ye, ZHANG Wang-feng, YAN Meng-qi, LI Yan 35
Microstructure and properties of Ti-662 alloy bars ZHU Bao-hui, CHEN Lin, HU Xiao-chen, Zeng Wei-dong, Liu Yan-chang, Fan Cun-ying 41
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of pure titanium processed by surface mechanical grinding treatment YIN Yan-fei, SUN Qiao-yan, XIAO Lin, ZHANG Peng-sheng, MAO Xiao-nan, SUN Jun 46
Effect of thermo-hydrogenation treatment on microstructure of cast TC21 alloy ZHANG Peng-sheng, ZHAO Yong-qing, ZENG Wei-dong 50
Nucleation mechanism of secondary α phase in near-β titanium alloy ZHANG Xue, KOU Hong-chao, LAI Yun-jin, ZHANG Feng-shou, LI Jin-shan, ZHOU Lian 57
Precipitation behavior of ω phase of Ti-7333 titanium alloy during low temperature aging MENG Cai-si, OU Wen-chao, HUA Ke, TANG Bin, KOU Hong-chao, LI Jin-shan 62
Effect of primary α-phase volume fraction on mechanical properties of TC4 titanium alloy ring forging LI Si-qing, LIU Jing-nan, WANG Xu 67
Pinning effect of second-phase particles on B2 grain growth of Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy XUE Chen, ZENG Wei-dong, WANG Wei, MA Xiong, LIANG Xiao-bo, ZHANG Jian-wei 71
Cold rolling and its effect on aged microstructure of Ti-55531 near β titanium alloy CHEN Fu-wen, ZHANG Xiao-yong, LI Zhi-you, ZHOU Ke-chao 75
Amorphisation behavior of TiNi shape memory alloys during cold rolling LI Jun-tao, CUI Yue, ZHOU Jin, YANG Hua, MIAO Wei-dong, ZHU Ming 81
Microstructure and mechanical properties of high strength titanium alloy extruded tube ZHAO Bin, ZHAO Heng-zhang, GUO Di-zi, QI Yun-lian, YANG Ying-li 86
Initial-sintering stage properties of calcium oxide ceramic cores during titanium alloy precision casting GAO Peng, ZHOU Tie-tao 92
Effect of β-forging process on microstructure and performance of TC25 titanium alloy ring DONG Jie, WANG Yong-qiang, WANG Wei-qi, HUANG De-chao, MA Hong-gang, WANG Shu-yan 97
Mechanical properties of cellular-structure Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated by electron beam melting method XU Qin-si, CHENG Xu-ying, HOU Wen-tao, WANG Zhe, LI Shu-jun, HAO Yu-lin, YANG Rui 101
Annealing microstructure and properties of fine-grained TC4 wire MAO Jiang-hong, CAO Ji-min, YANG Hua-bin 105
High temperature creep behavior of TC18 titanium alloy DING Chang-qin, LIU Hui-qun, NIE Xian, GAO Qi, WANG Ding-chun, CHEN Ti-ying, ZHENG Zhi-bin, YI Dan-qing 111
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-2.3Cr-1.3Fe alloy after solution treatment WANG Zhen-guo, YE Wen-jun, CAI Hai-jiao 116
Effect of β stabilized element Mo on microstructure and mechanical properties of high temperature titanium alloy at 600 ℃ WEI Shou-yong, SHI Wei-min, GUO Jia-lin, WANG Ding-chun, WANG Qing-jiang, ZHU Shao-xiang, LIU Jian-rong, CHEN Zhi-yong 120
Effects of C and B on microstructure and properties of as-cast ZTC4 QI Yun-lian, ZENG Li-ying, HOU Zhi-min, HONG Quan, LIU Shi-bing, ZHAO Jun, XIE Hua-sheng 125
Effect of Ni content on phase transformation and mechanical properties of NiTi shape memory alloys LI Yan-feng, GAO Bao-dong, YIN Xiang-qian 130
Effect of element Nb on microstructure and properties of cast pure titanium LIU Shi-bing, LOU Yan-chun, XIE Hua-sheng, ZHAO Jun, LIU Hong-yu 134
Effect of oxygen content on mechanical properties of TB8 titanium alloy ZHANG Li-jun, XUE Xiang-yi, CHANG Hui 139
Effect of minor boron additions on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-9V-3Al-4Sn-5Mo alloy YU Yan, SONG De-jun, LI Shi-kai, LIU Xing-jun 143
Influence of element Si on thermal stability of Ti-600 alloy ZENG Li-ying, HONG Quan, ZHAO Yong-qing, QI Yun-lian 148
Effect of Mo content on grain growth behaviour and mechanical properties of titanium alloys QIU Jian-ke, MA Ying-jie, JI Hai-bin, LEI Jia-feng, LIU Yu-yin, YANG Rui 153
Effects of alloying elements Mo, V and Cr on mechanical properties of β titanium alloy LI Qian, GE Peng, ZHAO Yong-Qing, WANG Min, ZHOU Wei 159
Effect of Fe content on glass forming ability and thermal stability for (Ti69.7Nb23.7Zr4.9Ta1.7)100-xFex alloy system ZOU Li-ming, YANG Chao, CAI Yi-xiang 167
Characteristics of microstructure and microhardness of Ti60/TC17 dissimilar joint welded by electron beam welding YU Bing-bing, CHEN Zhi-yong, WANG Qing-jiang, LIU Jian-rong, LI Jin-wei 174
Influence of laser power on formation, microstructure and properties of micro laser welded joint of TiNiNb alloy CHEN Yu-hua, GE Jun-wei, LU Wei-wei, FENG Xiao-song 179
Influence of weld heat input on microstructure and properties of welded joint of TA2 titanium alloy LIU Xi-lin, LI Bing, HU Guang-yuan, YAN Yang-yang, YAN Fei-hao, FAN Jin-wei 184
Structure and properties of Ti-Fe-Al alloy on GTAW and PAW welding joint YAN Yang-yang, GUO Xiao-hui, LIU Zhi-ying, WANG Nai-you, E Nan 189
Dissimilar metal jointing of Ti35 alloy to Nb WU Jin-ping, YANG Ying-li, XI Zheng-ping, SUN Jun, SU Hang-biao, LUO Yuan-yuan, SONG Fei-fei 193
Vacuum diffusion bonding of TC4 titanium alloy XIONG Jin-hui, GAO Fu-yang, CHEN Bin, GUO Li-dong 198
Diffusion bonding of Ti/6061Al alloy by hot isostatic pressing HE Jin-jiang, XU Xue-li, DONG Ting-yi, WANG Yue, Lü Bao-guo 202
Multiscale investigation on lattice disability mechanism and incipient plasticity in α-Ti single-crystalline GU Jian-feng, XIONG Kai, LIU Xiao-hui 207
Theories and Basic Researches
Comparison between generalized stacking fault energy selected body-centered cubic metals and alloys WU He-nan, XU Dong-sheng, WANG Hao, LIU Yan-xia, YANG Rui 212
Hot compression deformation behavior of Ti60 alloy with lamellae microstructure ZHAO Zi-bo, WANG Qing-jiang, LIU Jian-rong, CHEN Zhi-yong 217
Hot deformation behavior and constitutive model of Ti26 alloy ZHAO Heng-zhang, XI Zheng-ping, GUO Di-zi, ZHAO Bin, YANG Ying-li, MAO Xiao-nan, XIAO lin 221
Metal rheological characteristics of elbow made by expanding diameter and pushing bend CHEN Jun, YANG Ying-li, YANG Hai-ying, WANG Ting-xun, DUAN Wen-sen 226
Twinning strength effect of CP titanium during high-strain-rate deformation DENG Xi-guang, HUI Song-xiao, YE Wen-jun, FU Yan-yan 231
Influence of strain rate on twinning deformation behavior of CT20 alloy LIU Wei, DU Yu, MAO Xiao-nan, YANG Hai-ying 236
Diffusion behavior of wave interface of titanium explosive clad steel LIU Ji-xiong, ZHANG Hang-yong, WANG Ding-chun, LIU Run-sheng, JIANG Hai-tao 242
Interfacial reaction between high-temperature titanium alloy Ti-1100 and Y2O3 ceramic mold ZHAO Er-tuan, YANG Si-yi, CHEN Zong-min, KONG Fan-tao, XIAO Shu-long, CHEN Yu-yong 248
Phase transform of FCC-Ti films LI Lei, HAN Dong, MAOXiao-nan, LEI Wen-guang, JIA Wei-ju, GUO Ping, ZHANG Yong-qiang 253
In-situ observation of dwell fatigue of Ti60 alloy YANG Li-na, LIU Jian-rong, WANG Qing-jiang, YANG Rui 257
Fatigue crack propagation behavior and turning point in Paris region of TC4-DT titanium alloys ZHU Li-wei, WANG Xin-nan, ZHU Zhi-shou, SHANG Guo-qiang, LI Jun, FEI Yue, LI Jing 262
Fatigue crack propagation behavior of TC4-DT damage tolerance titanium alloy GUO Ping, ZHAO Yong-qing, ZENG Wei-dong, HONG Quan 267
Fatigue crack initiation behavior of titanium alloy electron beam welded joints LIU Xin, MAO Zhi-yong 271
High cycle fatigue of TG6 alloy LI Juan, CAI Jian-ming, DUAN Rui, HUANG Xu 277
Failure analysis of non-normal stretched fracture for titanium alloy bolt and process improvement YAO Gang 282
Preparation technology of titanium alloy ingot and billet with high purity YANG Wen-jia, ZHANG Wen-qi, XING Yi, ZHAO Jun, LIU Hong-yu 287
Texture characterization in TA18(Ti-3Al-2.5V) aircraft seamless tubing ZHANG Hui, LIU Yan-ping, ZHANG Wang-feng, YAN Meng-qi, WANG Yu-hui 292
Phase field simulation of morphology evolution of coherent α precipitates in Ti-6Al-4V alloys ZHANG Jin-hu, TENG Chun-yu, YANG Mei, XU Dong-sheng, WANG Yun-zhi, YANG Rui 296
Finite element simulation and test validation of globularization behavior of TC17 titanium alloy JIA Zhi-qiang, ZENG Wei-dong, XU Jian-wei, MA Xiong, SUN Xin 301
Ignition resistance mechanism of Alloy C+ fireproof titanium alloy for aero-engine MI Guang-bao, HUANG Xu, CAO Jing-xia, WANG Bao, CAO Chun-xiao 305
Effect of solidification route on microstructure in cast ZTC4 Ti alloy ZHANG Shou-yin, LI Jin-shan, KOU Hong-chao, YANG Guang 312
Biomedical titanium Alloy and Others
Electrochemical behavior of nanostructured Ti2448 alloy in artificial saliva at 37 ℃ with fluoride LI Ji, LI Shu-jun, BAI Yun, HAO Yu-lin, YANG Rui 316
Effect of rare earth Y2O3 additions on corrosion behaviors of biomedical β-type titanium alloy SONG Xiu, WANG Lei, NIIOMI Mitsuo, NAKAI Masaaki, LIU Yang, WANG Ran, ZHU Miao-yong 320
Microstructure and mechanical properties of TB12 alloy developed for dental orthodontics NIU Jin-long, TIAN Yu-xing, YU Sen, MA Xi-qun, YU Zhen-tao 326
Morphology and formation mechanism of hydroxyapatite on porous titanium surface LI Ruo-lin, KOU Hong-chao, XU Guang-sheng, LI Jin-shan, ZHOU Lian, LU Ting-li 331
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al7Nb and Ti14Nb13Zr alloys for surgical implants WANG Wei-min, LUO Bin-li 336
Design and fabrication of porous medical titanium based on control of elastic modulus XU Guang-sheng, LI Ruo-lin, KOU Hong-chao, LIU Xiang-hong, LI Jin-shan, ZHOU Lian 343
Preparation of high properties TC4ELI alloy bars for medical application on industry MA Xi-qun, YU Zhen-tao, NIU Jin-long, ZHANG Ya-feng, HUANG Fu-qiang, LIU Chun-chao 348
Preparation of low-cost TC4 titanium alloy sheet FENG Qiu-yuan, PANG Hong, QIAO Lu, TONG Xue-wen, LIU Rui, YE Wen-jun, WANG Ding-chun, GAO Qi 353
Large-diameter seamless tube of Ti80 alloy fabricated by roll piercing SU Hang-biao, YANG Ying-li, WU Jin-ping, LUO Yuan-yuan, SONG Fei-fei, ZHOU Wei 358
Application of response surface design in superplastic titanium alloy XI Bing, JU Jian-hui, WANG Rui-ning 364
Structural optimization of V-shaped TB5 titanium alloy metal bellow based on CAE technology QIU Xiao-xing, WANG Ying-hao, TANG Bin, CHENG Liang, KOU Hong-chao, LI Jin-shan 368
Analysis of TC4 thin-walled shell weld crack LIU Jun, LIU Zhi-ying, YAN Yang-yang, WANG Yang, HU Guang-yuan 374
Single melting of TA10 titanium alloy by electron beam cold hearth ZHENG Ya-bo, CHEN Fen, QIAO Lu, GUO Bin, YANG Guo-qing 381
Synthesis of Al2O3/TiAl composites doped with Eu2O3 by in-situ hot-pressing processes WANG Xiao-feng, WANG Fen, WANG Lan-fang, ZHU Zhong-ren, YANG Yong, WANG Shu-yuan, TIAN Wei-hua 387
Heat Treatment Technologies
Effect of heat treatment on dynamic properties of TC4 titanium fan blade PEI Chuan-hu, LI Zhen-xi, HUANG Xu, LI Si-qing, DING Jian-shan 391
Influence of heat treatment processes on microstructure and mechanical properties of new fatigue resistance and low cost titanium alloy FEI Yue, ZHU Zhi-shou, WANG Xin-nan, LI Jing, LI Jun, SHANG Guo-qiang, ZHU Li-wei 398
Effects of cold rolling and annealing process on microstructure and properties of TA18 tubes WEI Bei-ling, ZHANG Ya-feng, YU Zhen-tao, HAN Jian-ye, YU Sen, LIU Chun-chao, HUANGFU Qiang 403
Effects of heat treatment on transformation and memory function of warm-drawn TiNi alloy wire WANG Jian, JIN Wei, LIU Yu-yin 408
Effects of PWHT temperature on microstructure and microhardness of EBW Ti2AlNb alloy joints WU Chong-chong, WANG Qing-jiang, CHEN Zhi-yong, LIU Jian-rong 413
Effects of different heat treatments on microstructure and mechanical properties of TC4-DT titanium alloy plate LEI Wen-guang, MAO Xiao-nan, YANG Guan-jun, HAN Dong, LI Lei 418
Regression analysis of tensile properties of Ti-1300 alloy after heat treatment ZHOU Wei, GE Peng, LU Jin-wen, ZENG Li-ying, LI Qian, ZHAO Yong-qing 424
Effect of high temperature homogenizing treatment on microstructure and properties of TC11 titanium alloy forging HAN Dong, MAO Xiao-nan, DENG Rui-gang, ZHANG Peng-sheng 429
Effects of heat treatment processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of TB8 alloy SHANG Guo-qiang, WANG Xin-nan, FEI Yue, LI Jun, ZHU Zhi-shou 433
Effects of solution treatment on microstructures and properties of Ti65 high-temperature titanium alloy WANG Xu, LI Si-qing, LI Zhen-xi, HUANG Xu, LIU Jing-nan 437
Effects of solid solution treatment on low cycle fatigue performance of Ti2448 ZHANG Qiang, LI Shu-jun, ZHANG Si-qian, HAO Yu-lin, YANG Rui 441
Effects of heat treatment on phase and isothermal compression behavior of Ti46Αl4Nb1Cr0.2B alloy GUO Xian-feng, KONG Fan-tao, CHEN Yu-yong 445
Effect of double annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of BTi-6431S plate ZHANG Wen-jing, SONG Xiao-yun, HUI Song-xiao, YE Wen-jun, WANG Yong-ling, WANG Xiao-xiang, WANG Wei-qi 452
Effect of heat treatment on microstructural evolution and micro-hardness of Ti-22Al-25Nb orthorhombic alloy WANG Wei, ZENG Wei-dong, XUE Chen, LIANG Xiao-bo, ZHANG Jian-wei 456
Influences of hot isostatic pressing on fatigue crack propagation of TC4 titanium alloy thin wall casting FENG Xin, PENG shuang, MA Ying-jie, LEI Jia-feng, WU Xin-hua, CUI Yu-you, YANG Rui 462
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-15Nb-5Zr-6Mo alloy for biomedical application TIAN Yu-xing, YU Zhen-tao, LI Cheng, CHE Yong-ping, TANG Jiao, LIU Shao-hui 467
Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of electron beam welded joint of Ti2AlNb based alloy HAN Xiao-dong, SONG Tao, HU Ming, YANG Xiu-juan, REN Ping, LU Bin 472
Effects of aging treatment on properties of Ti65 high-temperature titanium alloy WANG Xu, LI Si-qing, LI Zhen-xi, HUANG Xu, LIU Jing-nan 477
Effect of β solution treatment on morphology and mechanical properties of TC21 alloy HOU Zhi-min, MAO Xiao-nan, ZHAO Yong-qing, ZHANG Peng-sheng, LEI Wen-guang, YU Lan-lan 480
Effect of heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti3Al based alloy sheet GUO Jia-lin, WEI Shou-yong, YANG Qi, WANG Xin, CAO Jing-xia 485
Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti44Al6Nb0.6B alloy LI Jian-chong, CHEN Rui-run, Lü Xin-yu, ZHAO Xiao-li, DING Hong-sheng, GUO Jing-jie, FU Heng-zhi 490
Influence of heat-treatment process on structure and performance of TC4 alloy sheet DANG Peng, GAO Wei-na, FU Wen-jie, LI Hui, Lü Li-qiang 494
Influence of heat treatment on microstructures and tensile properties of Ti-45Nb wires LIU Yan-chang, ZHU Bao-hui, ZHAO Hong-zhang, WANG Pei-jun, CHEN Rui-bo, WANG Xiao-ping, ZENG Wei-dong 500
Microstructure evolution during ageing and its effect on mechanical properties of Ti80 alloy GUO Ai-hong, WU Yi-zhou, CHEN Qing-lei, NING Er-bin 505
Microstructure evolution of Ti6321 titanium alloy during annealing treatment and its effect on impact toughness YANG Zhi-jun, GUO Ai-hong, WU Yi-zhou 512
Effect of stress relieving treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6321 alloy ZHANG Bin-bin, CHEN Bin, CHEN Li-yang, YANG Rui, LI Pei-yue, JIANG Peng, LIAO Zhi-qian 517
Hot Working Technologies
Hot deformation behavior of TiNiCu alloy YIN Xiang-qian, ZHANG Zheng-xin, GAO Bao-dong, LI Yan-feng, MI Xu-jun 521
Texture of nano-grained titanium produced by combination of asymmetric and symmetric rolling LI Zhi-ming, SUN Yan-le, HUANG Ji-wu, SHAN Ai-dang 525
Effect of hot work process on microstructures and mechanical properties of TA30 titanium alloy bar NI Pei-tong, HAN Ming-chen, ZHU Mei-sheng, GUO Jin-ming, GUO Xue-peng, ZHU Feng 531
FEM analysis of deformation process of fiber reinforced titanium at high temperature ZHAO Bing, HOU Hong-liang, LI Zhi-qiang, LIAO Jin-hua 535
Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on ballistic performance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy ZHENG Chao, WANG Fu-chi, CHENG Xing-wang, FU Ke-qin 545
Constitutive equation model and processing map Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy WANG Guo-qiang, CHEN Zhi-yong, LIU Jian-rong, WANG Qing-jiang 550
Calculation analysis of hot deformation structure of TC18 alloy WANG Qing-rui, SHA Ai-xue, HUANG Li-jun, LI Xing-wu 556
Hot deformation behavior of Ti-7Mo-3Nb-3Cr-3Al alloy HUA Ke, XUE Xiang-yi, KOU Hong-chao, FAN Jiang-kun, TANG Bin, LI Jin-shan 561
Effect of strain on hot deformation behavior and microstructure of TB9 titanium alloy XU Xin, DONG Li-min, ZHANG Zhi-qiang, BA Hong-bo, HU Ming, GUAN Shao-xuan, YANG Rui 566
Phase transformation behavior of TC18 near β titanium alloy deformed at low temperature LI Shao-jun, ZHANG Xiao-yong, LI Chao 571
Microstructural evolution of mannesmann piercing mill of CT20 alloy tube blank during cold rolling process DU Yu, LIU Wei, GUO Di-zi, YANG Hai-ying, MAO Xiao-nan 576
Influence of preform design on spring-back in hot die forging of titanium blade MA Long, GAO Tao, PENG Xiao-guo 581
High pressure pneumatic forming process and wall thickness distribution of TA18 titanium alloy large expansion ratio tube LIU Gang, WU Yong, WANG Jian-long, YUAN Shi-jian, TANG Ze-jun 585
Microstructure evolution of Ti40 alloy during hot working process XIN She-wei, LI Qian, LI Xiao, ZHAO Yong-qing, HONG Quan, MAO Xiao-nan, YANG Hai-ying, GE Peng 590
Effect of forging process on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti40 burn resistant titanium alloy CAO Jing-xia, WANG Bao, HUANG Xu, SUN Huan-ying, LAI Yun-jin, YANG Jin 595
Hot compression deformation and its constitutive equation of Ti55 alloy FANG Bo, CHEN Zhi-yong, CHEN Zhong-qiang, WANG Qing-jiang, FENG Zhen-wei, SUN Tie-feng, LIU Yan, SONG Xi-yu, WEI Ming-xia, HU Jing-xiang, Lü Jing-jing 600
Effect of microstructures and properties of TC4 alloy bars on continuous rolling speed WANG Tian, TAO Hai-lin, HUANG Shu-yang, LUO Shui-hui 605
TA2/Q235 rolling bonding technology YANG Zhe, RONG Yao, LIU Run-sheng, LI Xiang-dong 609
High temperature deformation behavior and flow stress model of Ti6321 titanium alloy YU Wei-xin, LI Zhao-feng, CHEN Bin, YANG Zhi-jun, JIANG Peng, LI Shi-kai 613
Influence of rolling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-45Nb alloy bars ZHU Bao-hui, WANG Pei-jun, LIU Yan-chang, CHEN Rui-bo, ZHAO Hong-zhang, WANG Xiao-ping, ZHENG Ai-guo 619
Effect of rolling process on microstructure and mechanical properties of TA2 rolling bar WANG Hai, FAN Ya-jun, CUI Wen-jun, WEI Feng-rong, LI Lei, CHEN Zhi-hong 624
Effect of cooling rate on distortion, microstructure and mechanical properties of TC4 alloy plate LI Pei-yue, ZHANG Bin-bin, LI Liang, LI Zhao-feng, CHEN Bin, LI Shi-kai 629
Intermetallic and Composite
Effect of power on temperature field in electromagnetic cold crucible continuous melting and solidifying of high Nb containing TiAl alloys CHEN Rui-run, DU Zhi-qiang, DONG Shu-lin, DING Hong-sheng, SU Yan-qing, GUO Jing-jie, FU Heng-zhi 633
Preparation and antibacterial properties of Ag-loaded antimicrobial coatings on Ti3Zr2Sn3Mo25Nb alloy YU Sen, YU Zhen-tao, HAN Jian-ye, ZHANG Qiang, NIU Jin-long, LIU Chun-chao 639
Effect of Nb content on microstructure and mechanical properties of high Nb containing TiAl-based alloy XU Li-juan, XIAO Shu-long, JIA Yi, WANG Zhi-bin, CHEN Yu-yong 645
Hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of Ti-25Al-14Nb-2Mo-1Fe alloy CHENG Jun, MAO Yong, YU Zhen-tao, NIU Jin-long, YU Sen, MA Xi-qun, TIAN Yu-xing 651
Effect of element B on microstructure and properties of casting Ti3Al alloy CAO Lei, WANG Zhen, LIU Dong, CUI Yu-you, YANG Rui 658
Effect of W addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-Nb TiAl alloy HAN Jian-chao, XU Li-juan, XIAO Shu-long, CHEN Yu-yong, WANG Zhi-bin 662
Microstructure evolution of TiAl alloy sheet with different original microstructures WANG Zhen, LIU Ren-ci, LIU Dong, CUI Yu-you, YANG Rui 667
Preparation of ultrafine structured Ti/TiC nanocomposite powders ZHENG Yi-feng, YAO Xun, LIANG Jia-miao, ZHANG De-liang 673
Pulsed argon arc welding of in situ synthesized (TiB+La2O3)/Ti composites MAO Jian-wei, LU Wei-jie, WANG Li-qiang, ZHANG Di, QIN Ji-ning, SUN Xi-jian, ZHU Xiao-xing 678
Hot extrusion simulation of β-γ TiAl alloy containing high Nb ZHENG Jun-zi, ZHANG Lai-qi, HOU Yong-ming, MA Xiang-ling, LIN Jun-pin 684
Effect of growth rate on microstructures and hardness in directionally solidified Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy LIU Guo-huai, ZHANG Yuan, LI Xin-zhong, CHEN Rui-run, SU Yan-qing, GUO Jing-jie, FU Heng-zhi 690
Fabrication of TiBw/Ti composites with tailored microstructure by reaction hot pressing HUANG Lu-jun, TANG Ao, HU Yue, LU Cheng-jie, GENG Lin 696
Effects of micro-alloy elements on fluidity of Ti-45Al-8Nb alloy YANG Liang, WU Li-juan, CHAI Li-hua, CHEN Zi-yong, LIN Jun-pin 702
High temperature flow behavior and microstructure evolution of new γ-TiAl alloy LUO Yuan-yuan, XI Zheng-ping, MAO Xiao-nan, WU Jin-ping, SU Hang-biao, YANG Ying-li, SONG Fei-fei 708
Microstructure evolution of as-forged Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy during heat treatment YAO Ze-kun, QIN Chun, JIA Qian, NING Yong-quan, GUO Hong-zhen, LIANG Xiao-bo 713
Thermo-mechanical coupling finite element simulation for hot rolling process of canned Ti-43Al-9V-Y alloy KONG Fan-tao, CUI Ning, CHEN Yu-yong, ZI Ling-jun 718
Fabrication of Ti-45Al-10Nb alloy with reaction sintering LI Xue-wen, SUN Hong-fei, ZHANG Peng, FANG Wen-bin 722
Effect of trace B/TiB2 on microstructure of near β titanium alloy Ti-B20 HUANG Li-guo, KONG Fan-tao, DU Zhao-xin, XIAO Shu-long, XU Li-juan, CHEN Yu-yong 726
Kinetic analysis and control action of titanium and aluminium QU Hai-tao, REN Xue-ping, HOU Hong-liang, ZHAO Bing 730
Microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid reinforced titanium matrix composites GUO Xiang-long, WANG Li-qiang, QIN Ji-ning, Lü Wei-jie 734
Interface reaction and oxidation resistance properties of investment casting TiAl-based alloys CAO Shou-zhen, XU Li-juan, XIAO Shu-long, JIA Yi, CHEN Yu-yong 738
Diffusion of Si in interfacial reactions between TiAl castings and ceramic moulds JIA Yi, XIAO Shu-long, XU Li-juan, TIAN Jing, CHEN Yu-yong 742
Microstructure and properties of Ti2AlN/Al2O3 composite prepared by in-situ hot isostatic pressing process ZHENG Zhuo, CUI Yu-you, YANG Rui 746
Reaction mechanism in fabrication of high Nb containing TiAl intermetallic by blending element powder metallurgy YAO Xun, ZHENG Yi-feng, LIANG Jia-miao, ZHANG De-liang 751
Effect of forging on microstructure and high temperature tensile properties of (TiB+TiC)/Ti composites ZHANG Chang-jiang, ZHANG Shu-zhi, KONG Fan-tao, XIAO Shu-long, LIU Hao, CHEN Yu-yong 756
Creep rupture properties of cast Ti-46.5Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.15B alloy at 650 ℃ LIN Bo-chao, LIU Ren-ci, JIA Qing, CUI Yu-you, YANG Rui 761
Effect of La on microstructure and mechanical property of Ti-44Al-6Nb alloy CHEN Rui-run, MA Zhi-kun, DONG Shu-lin, DING Hong-sheng, GUO Jing-jie 765
Effects of Al and B contents on RT-mechanical properties of cast high temperature TiAl alloys ZHANG Zhi-yong, MA Rui, XU Xiang-jun, ZHANG Lai-qi, LIN Jun-pin 771
Fretting wear performance of WC coatings on TC4-DT YANG Wei-hua 776
Preparation of TiAl intermetallic porous material by mechanical milling-segmented sintering LI Da-ren, CUI Li-qun, CAI Yi-xiang 781
Acid leaching of reduction products in process of calciothermic reduction of TiO2 WANG Dong-sheng, XU Bao-qiang, DAI Yong-nian, REN Xin-lin, YANG Bin 787

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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