Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第23卷    第z1期    总第1期    2013年12月



侯智敏1, 2 ,毛小南1, 赵永庆1, 2 张鹏省1, 雷文光1, 于兰兰1

(1. 西北有色金属研究院 钛合金研究所,西安 710016;
2. 西北工业大学 材料学院,西安 710072

摘 要: 对等轴组织TC21合金进行β相区高温固溶+α/β相区低温固溶+低温时效热处理;分析β相区高温固溶冷却速率、α/β相区低温固溶温度对TC21合金组织和性能的影响。结果表明:随着β相区固溶冷却速率的增加,α/β相区固溶热处理后合金中条状α相尺寸明显减小,α条厚度减小;随着α/β区固溶处理温度的降低,在相同的β相区固溶冷却速率下,合金中的初生条状初生α相尺寸有一定的减小,相含量增加。经过(960 °C, 1 h, FC)+ (890 °C, 1 h, AC)+(620 °C, 6 h, AC)三重热处理后,TC21合金的强度、塑性和韧性匹配较好。这表明三重热处理可以改善常规锻造TC21合金的综合力学性能。


关键字: β固溶处理;TC21合金;冷却速率;强韧性匹配

Effect of β solution treatment on morphology and mechanical properties of TC21 alloy
HOU Zhi-min1, 2, MAO Xiao-nan1, ZHAO Yong-qing1, 2, ZHANG Peng-sheng1, LEI Wen-guang1, YU Lan-lan1

1. Titanium Alloy Research Center, Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research, Xi’an 710016, China;
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwest Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China

Abstract:The equiaxed TC21 alloy samples were β solution treated, followed by α/β solution treatment and then aged at low temperature. The effect of β heat treatment cooling rate and temperature of α/β heat treatment on the morphology of TC21 alloy was analyzed. The results show that higher cooling rate of β heat treatment leads to the shrinking of platelet α phase, in the α/β heat treatment process. It is also confirmed that lower α/β heat treatment temperature, after the same beta heat treatment process, results in the decrease of width and increase of the content of platelet α phase. After optimized triplex heat treatment (960 °C, 1 h, FC)+(890 °C, 1 h, AC)+(620 °C, 6 h, AC), the strength, plasticity and fracture toughness match well, indicating that the triplex heat treatment can improve the synthetical mechanical properties of TC21 alloy.


Key words: β solution treatment; TC21 alloy; cooling rate; matching of strength and fracture toughness

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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