Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

第24卷    第6期    2014年6月

高压扭转大塑性变形Al-Mg铝合金中的层错和形变孪晶 刘满平1,王 俊1,蒋婷慧1,吴振杰1,谢学锋1,刘 强1,Hans J. ROVEN2 1383
基于材料参数修正的6013铝合金热变形本构模型优化 肖 罡1, 2,李落星1, 2,叶 拓1, 2 1393
Al-3B中间合金添加量对再生铸造铝合金中杂质铁含量的影响 谭喜平1, 2,郑开宏1,宋东福1,张新明2 1401
铝裂纹扩展行为的分子动力学模拟 刘晓波,徐庆军,刘 剑 1408
采用等径角挤扭工艺制备块体超细晶铝 王晓溪1, 2,薛克敏3,李 萍3 1414
电磁搅拌对等通道挤压前后 Mg-Zn-Zr-Ca合金组织和性能的影响 于彦东,章 龙,李彩霞 1422
单斜晶体FeZn13、CoZn13和MnZn13弹性性质的第一性原理研究 米传同1, 2,刘国平1, 2,王家佳1, 2,郭新立1, 2,吴三械3,于 金1, 2 1428
Ni-20Cr-18W高温合金近液相线熔体处理温度场模拟及参数优化 吴志刚,胡 锐,高中堂,张铁邦,李金山 1434
高功率光纤激光器熔覆Ni60A合金的显微组织及高温摩擦磨损特性 张 健,谭小军,胡 玉,郭 亮,张庆茂,刘颂豪 1441
基于均匀化方法的钨丝增强锆基块体非晶复合材料等效弹性常数预测 廖光开,李乡安,邹 萍,陈舒敏,龙志林 1449
变形量对应变诱导熔化激活法制备CuSn10P1合金半固态组织的影响 王 佳1, 2,肖 寒1,吴龙彪1,卢德宏1,周荣锋1,周 荣1 1459
医用钛合金热氧化处理工艺及其耐磨损、耐腐蚀性能和生物活性的研究进展 王 松1, 2,廖振华2, 3,刘伟强1, 3 1466
超胞材料β-Li2TiO3的结构、制备及应用 于成龙1, 2,高丹鹏1,王 斐3,郝 欣4,Kazumichi YANAGISAWA2, Sumio KAMIYA5, Takahiro KOZAWA6 1474
Mg(In)固溶体的微观结构与储氢性能 钟海长1,王 辉2 1486
不同工艺参数对离心铸造Al-9Ni-15Si复合材料组织与性能的影响 林雪冬1,吕循佳2,刘昌明3 1494
氢气流量对超音速微粒沉积Al-12Si涂层的影响 朱 胜,刘玉项,王晓明,韩国峰,姚巨坤 1504
激光选区熔化成形不锈钢与纳米羟基磷灰石复合材料的组织及力学性能 程灵钰,张 升,魏青松,史玉升 1510
形变Cu-15Cr-Ce原位复合材料的组织和性能 李文有1,李亚明1,李文生2,孔祥波1,王 华1 1518
TiC/Cu-Al2O3复合材料的强化机理及动态再结晶行为 杨志强1, 2,刘 勇1, 2,田保红1, 2,张 毅1, 2 1524
Gasar连铸工艺制备藕状多孔铜 李再久,金青林,杨天武,蒋业华,周 荣 1531
Ce/Tb/Mn共掺杂ZnO-SrO-P2O5玻璃陶瓷的制备与白光发射调控 王家鑫1,陈国华1,李旭琼2,何志毅2,袁昌来1,杨会娟1,杨 云1 1538
微波烧结技术在硬质合金制备中的应用 鲍 瑞1, 2,易健宏1, 2 1544
烧结NdFeB永磁体的晶界微细结构及性能研究进展 王 静1,梁 乐1,武梦艳1,陈诗豪1,祝隐峰1,曲冠雄1,郑博瀚1,张澜庭1, 2 1562
柱塞式环模成型模具摩擦热数值分析 德雪红1, 2,俞国胜1,翟晓敏3 1578
矿业工程 • 冶金工程 • 化学与化工
南岭中段诸广山复式花岗岩岩石学及其控矿作用 张术根1, 2,袁 莹3,姚翠霞1, 2 1585
高镁型低品位硫化镍矿浸出工艺及机理 刘欣伟1,胡文韬2,李浩然1,冯雅丽2 1599
超声波场作用下Na3PO4分解白钨矿的动力学 李江涛,赵中伟,丁文涛 1607
辉钼矿的造锍熔炼与吹炼 刘旭恒,陈星宇,赵中伟,马 飞 1616
利用弱碱性阴离子交换树脂从硫化后的钨酸钠溶液中吸附除钼 霍广生1, 2,彭 超1,陈星宇1, 2,廖春华1,陈 静1 1623
熔池熔炼中金属硫酸盐分解过程的热力学研究 刘 群1,谭 军1,刘常青1,尹周澜1,陈启元1,廖 舟2,谢富春1,张平民1 1629
地球化学对钨钼分离的借鉴 赵中伟,何利华 1637
氧化铝晶种分解温度的分散自适应模型预测控制 刘 征1,彭小奇1, 2,陈 君1 1648
W(Ⅵ)-V(Ⅴ)-H 2O体系钨钒分离的热力学分析 张家靓,赵中伟 1656
含硼铝酸钙熟料的高温成矿机理及其浸出性能 潘晓林,董凯伟,侯宪林,于海燕,涂赣峰,毕诗文 1663
镁铁水滑石的表面化学性质及电化学行为 李 巧,曾虹燕,张治青,廖梦尘,黄清军,徐理华 1671
浸矿微生物共培养体系的耐氟特性及其在氟胁迫下的群落动态分析 李 乾1, 2,丁德馨1, 2,王清良1,胡鄂明1,史文革1,马丽媛3,刘学端3 1678

The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals


Vol. 24    No. 6    June 2014

Structural Materials
Stacking faults and deformation twins in Al-Mg alloys subjected to high pressure torsion LIU Man-ping, WANG Jun, JIANG Ting-hui, WU Zheng-jie, XIE Xue-feng, LIUQiang, Hans J. ROVEN 1383
Optimization of constitutive equation during hot deformation of 6013 aluminum alloy based on modified material parameters XIAO Gang, LI Luo-xing, YE Tuo 1393
Effects of Al-3B master alloy addition on impurity iron content of recycled casting aluminum alloy TAN Xi-ping, ZHENG Kai-hong, SONG Dong-fu, ZHANG Xin-ming 1401
Molecular dynamics simulation of crack propagation behavior of aluminum LIU Xiao-bo, XU Qing-jun, LIU Jian 1408
Fabrication of bulk ultrafine-grained pure aluminum using multi-pass equal channel angular pressing and torsion WANG Xiao-xi, XUE Ke-min, LI Ping 1414
Effects of electromagnetic stirring on microstructure and properties of Mg-Zn-Ca-Zr alloy before and after equal channel angular pressing YU Yan-dong, ZHANG Long, LI Cai-xia 1422
First-principle study on elastic properties of monoclinic FeZn13, CoZn13 and MnZn13 MI Chuan-tong, LIU Guo-ping, WANG Jia-jia, GUO Xin-li, WU San-xie, YU Jin 1428
Temperature field simulation and process parameter optimization for near liquidus melt treatment of Ni-20Cr-18W superalloys WU Zhi-gang, HU Rui, GAO Zhong-tang, ZHANG Tie-bang, LI Jin-shan 1434
Microstructure and high temperature tribological behavior of high power fiber laser cladding Ni60A coating ZHANG Jian, TAN Xiao-jun, HU Yu, GUO Liang, ZHANG Qing-mao, LIU Song-hao 1441
Homogenization-based approach for predicting equivalent elastic constants of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites LIAO Guang-kai, LI Xiang-an, ZOU Ping, CHEN Shu-min, LONG Zhi-lin 1449
Effect of deformation on microstructure of semi-solid CuSn10P1 alloy fabricated by strain induced melt activation (SIMA) process WANG Jia, XIAO Han, WU Long-biao, LU De-hong, ZHOU Rong-feng, ZHOU Rong 1459
Functional Materials
Research progress on thermal oxidation process and wear, corrosion resistance and bioactivity of biomedical grade titanium alloy WANG Song, LIAO Zhen-hua, LIU Wei-qiang 1466
Supercell structure, preparation and applications of β-Li2TiO3 YU Cheng-long, GAO Dan-peng, WANG Fei, HAO Xin, Kazumichi YANAGISAWA, Sumio KAMIYA, Takahiro KOZAWA 1474
Microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of Mg(In) solid solution ZHONG Hai-chang, WANG Hui 1486
Effects of various processing parameters on microstructures and properties of Al-9Ni-15Si composites fabricated by centrifugal casting LIN Xue-dong, Lü Xun-jia, LIU Chang-ming 1494
Effect of hydrogen flow rate on Al-12Si coating by supersonic particles deposition ZHU Sheng, LIU Yu-xiang, WANG Xiao-ming, HAN Guo-feng, YAO Ju-kun 1504
Microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel and nano hydroxyapatite composites fabricated by selective laser melting CHENG Ling-yu, ZHANG Sheng, WEI Qing-song, SHI Yu-sheng 1510
Microstructure and properties of deformed Cu-15Cr-Ce in-situ composites LI Wen-you, LI Ya-ming, LI Wen-sheng, KONG Xiang-bo, WANG Hua 1518
Strengthening mechanism and dynamic recrystallization behavior of TiC/Cu-Al2O3 composite YANG Zhi-qiang, LIU Yong, TIAN Bao-hong, ZHANG Yi 1524
Fabrication of lotus-type porous Cu with continuous casting Gasar process LI Zai-jiu, JIN Qing-lin, YANG Tian-wu, JIANG Ye-hua, ZHOU Rong 1531
Preparation and white light emission regulation of Ce/Tb/Mn co-doped ZnO-SrO-P2O5 glass-ceramics WANG Jia-xin, CHEN Guo-hua, LI Xu-qiong, HE Zhi-yi, YUAN Chang-lai, YANG Hui-juan, YANG Yun 1538
Application of microwave sintering technology in cemented carbide preparation BAO Rui, YI Jian-hong 1544
Research progress on grain boundary fine microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered NdFeB magnet WANG Jing, LIANG Le, WU Meng-yan, CHEN Shi-hao, ZHU Yin-feng, QU Guan-xiong, ZHENG Bo-han, ZHANG Lan-ting 1562
Numerical analysis of friction heat of plunger biomass ring briquetting mold DE Xue-hong, YU Guo-sheng, ZHAI Xiao-min 1578
Mine Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Petrology and ore-control of Zhuguangshan composite granitic pluton in middle section of Nanling region ZHANG Shu-gen, YUAN Ying, YAO Cui-xia 1585
Leaching process and mechanism of high magnesium low-grade nickel sulfide ore LIU Xin-wei, HU Wen-tao, LI Hao-ran, FENG Ya-li 1599
Kinetics of scheelite concentrate leached by sodium phosphate under ultrasound LI Jiang-tao, ZHAO Zhong-wei, DING Wen-tao 1607
Treatment of molybdenite by matte smelting-converting method LIU Xu-heng, CHEN Xing-yu, ZHAO Zhong-wei, MA Fei 1616
Removal of Mo from sulfurized tungstate solution by using alkalescent anion exchange resin HUO Guang-sheng, PENG Chao, CHEN Xing-yu, LIAO Chun-hua, CHEN Jing 1623
Thermodynamic study of metal sulfate decomposition process in bath smelting LIU Qun, TAN Jun, LIU Chang-qing, YIN Zhou-lan, CHEN Qi-yuan, LIAO Zhou, XIE Fu-chun, ZHANG Ping-min 1629
Enlightenment of geochemistry on separation of molybdenum and tungsten ZHAO Zhong-wei, HE Li-hua 1637
Decentralized adaptive model predictive control of alumina seed decomposition temperature LIU Zheng, PENG Xiao-qi, CHEN Jun 1648
Thermodynamic analysis for separation of tungsten and vanadium in W(Ⅵ)-V(Ⅴ)-H 2O system ZHANG Jia-liang, ZHAO Zhong-wei 1656
High-temperature metallogenic mechanism and leaching property of calcium aluminate clinker with B2O3 PAN Xiao-lin, DONG Kai-wei, HOU Xian-lin, YU Hai-yan, TU Gan-feng, BI Shi-wen 1663
Surface chemical performances and electrochemical behavior of Mg-Fe hydrotalcite LI Qiao, ZENG Hong-yan, ZHANG Zhi-qing, LIAO Meng-chen, HUANG Qing-jun, XU Li-hua 1671
Fluoride tolerance of co-culture of bioleaching microorganisms and community dynamics under fluoride stress LI Qian, DING De-xin, WANG Qing-liang, HU E-ming, SHI Wen-ge, MA Li-yuan, LIU Xue-duan 1678

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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