Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第10卷    第4期    总第37期    2000年8月



彭忠东1, 杨建红1, 邓朝阳1, 刘业翔1, 李自强2

(1. 中南工业大学 冶金科学与工程系, 长沙 410083;
2. 四川大学(西区) 化工系, 成都 610065

摘 要:   通过对两种共沉法制备掺杂氧化锌压敏电阻的研究,证明包膜共沉法比混合离子共沉法更易恒定组成, 并且具有更好的压敏性能。 通过对包膜共沉条件包括温度、 分散剂、 搅拌强度等的进一步研究, 确定了包膜共沉的最佳条件。用此法制得的压敏电阻, 其主要电性能指标达到: 泄漏电流50   μA, 击穿电压180  V/mm, 最大非线性系数44。


关键字:   共沉淀; 包膜共沉淀; 掺杂;氧化锌压敏电阻

Preparing doped zinc oxide varistor ceramic powders by  copercipitationcoating process
PENG Zhongdong1, YANG Jianhong1, DENG Zhaoyang1, LIU Yexiang1,LI Ziqiang2

1. Department of Metallurgy Science and Engineering, Central South Universityof Technology, Changsha 410083, P.R.China;
2. Department of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, P.R.China

Abstract:The research results of preparing zinc oxide varistor ceramic powders by coprecipitation process show that the coprecipitationcoating process obtained constantcomponents more easily than the ionmixing coprecipitation process, and displayed excellent performances. By means of further investigating of coprecipitation conditions temperature, the surfactants and the degree of agitation, the optimal coprecipitation conditions were determined. Varistors prepared by coprecipitation chemical method display electrical properties leak current 50   μA,strike out voltage 180 V/mm and the biggest nonlinearity coefficient 44.


Key words: coprecipitation; coprecipitationcoating; zinc oxide varistor

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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