Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第15卷    第6期    总第75期    2005年6月



席晓丽, 聂祚仁, 郝世明, 杨建参, 翟立力, 左铁镛

(北京工业大学 材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100022)

摘 要:  采用“液液掺杂—冷冻干燥—两段还原—SPS”法制备了纳米W-La2O3发射材料, 利用原位俄射电子能谱分析技术研究了高温过程中发射材料的表层元素含量以及纵向元素分布,并采用自行研制的微机控制全自动电子发射测量装置测试了材料发射性能。 研究表明: 纳米W-La2O3发射材料的有效逸出功为2.92 eV, 1 773 K下零场发射电流密度为2.52 A/cm2; 加热过程中, 材料体内以La2O3形式存在的镧、氧向表面扩散, 在表层10 nm的地方出现La、 O富集区, 并形成了超额La, 对电子发射起积极作用。


关键字:  W-La2O3材料; 热电子发射; 逸出功

Surface behavior and emission properties of
nano-composite W-La2O3 material
XI Xiao-li, NIE Zuo-ren, HAO Shi-ming, YANG Jian-can,
ZHAI Li-li, ZUO Tie-yong

College of Materials Science and Engineering, 
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China

Abstract: Nanocomposite W-La2O3 material was prepared by freeze-drying and its thermonic electron emission ability was measured. Surface behavior and depth profile of material from 298 to 1 573 K were in-situ investigated by Auger electron spectrometry. The results show that the nanocomposite W-La2O3 material shows good electron emission performance with the saturated current density of 2.52 A/cm2 at 1 773 K and work function of about 2.92 eV. During heating La and O atoms in La2O3 diffuse to the surface to form a La and O rich layer at ion depth, which makes the material have good emission ability.


Key words: W-La2O3 material; thermionic emission; work function

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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