Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第30卷    第4期    总第253期    2020年4月



闫志巧1, 2,陈 峰1,许荣君1,汪 涛2,吴湘涛3,周 仲3

(1. 广东省科学院 广东省材料与加工研究所,广州 510650;
2. 广东省科学院产业技术育成中心,广州 510650;
3. 广东盈峰材料技术股份有限公司,佛山528311

摘 要: 以内氧化法制备的Al2O3弥散强化铜(简称“弥散铜”)粉和雾化锡粉为原料,采用扩散合金化法制备弥散铜-锡合金粉末,经压制、烧结制备弥散铜-锡含油轴承,研究扩散温度对弥散铜-锡粉末合金化程度的影响,并考察烧结温度对含油轴承性能的影响。结果表明:弥散铜-锡混合粉末经700 ℃扩散处理后,锡在弥散铜基体中分布均匀,制备的弥散铜-锡合金粉末的松装密度为2.40 g/cm3、流动性为39.6 s(50 g);轴承压坯在800 ℃及以下温度烧结时,粉末颗粒之间没有发生显著烧结,导致轴承性能较差。当烧结温度为850 ℃时,粉末颗粒之间形成一定的冶金结合,轴承强度显著提升,开孔率小幅降低。在900 ℃及以上温度烧结时,轴承发生显著收缩,开孔率明显降低。850 ℃烧结制备的弥散铜-锡含油轴承的径向、轴向尺寸变化率均约为1.0%,压溃强度为160 MPa,显微硬度为166 HV0.05,开孔率为26.0%。


关键字: Al2O3弥散强化铜;扩散合金化;含油轴承;径向压溃强度;开孔率

Preparation and properties of Al2O3 dispersion-strengthened copper-tin oil bearings
YAN Zhi-qiao1, 2, CHEN Feng1, XU Rong-jun1, WANG Tao2, WU Xiang-tao3, ZHOU Zhong3

1. Guangdong Institute of Materials and Processing, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;
2. Industrial Technology Incubation Center, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;
3. Infore Material-Tech Corp, Foshan 528311, China

Abstract:With Al2O3 dispersion-strengthened copper (referred as “ODS copper”) powder prepared by internal oxidation method and atomized tin powder as raw materials, ODS copper-tin alloying powder was synthesized by diffusion alloying method, then pressed and sintered to prepare oil bearings. The effects of the diffusion temperature on the alloying degree of ODS copper-tin and the sintering temperature on performances of the oil bearings were investigated. The results indicate that tin is uniformly distributed in the ODS copper matrix after diffusion alloying at 700℃ for 1h and the as-prepared ODS-tin alloying powder has the apparent density of 2.40 g/cm3 as well as flowability of 39.6 s/(50 g). When the bearing compacts were sintered at temperatures no lower than 800 ℃, no significant metallurgical bonding occurs between the powder particles, which leading to poor performances. When increasing the sintering temperature to 850 ℃, metallurgical bonding is widely observed between powder particles, which remarkably improves the strength and slightly decreases the open porosity of the bearings. Once the sintering temperature exceeds 900 ℃, the bearings shrank significantly combined with sharply reducing of the open porosity. In this research, the ODS copper-tin oil bearings sintered at 850 ℃ have the best comprehensive properties with radial and axial shrinking ratio of about 1.0%, radical crushing strength of 160 MPa, microhardness of 166 HV0.05 and open porosity of 26.0%.


Key words: Al2O3 dispersion-strengthened copper; diffusion alloying; oil bearing; radial crushing strength; open porosity

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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