Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第29卷    第4期    总第241期    2019年4月



马志鹏1, 2,于海洋1,许志武2,袁 月1,崔 巍1,闫久春2

(1. 东北石油大学 材料科学与工程系,大庆 163318;
2. 哈尔滨工业大学 先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室,哈尔滨 150001

摘 要: 研究不同振幅超声作用下Sn-9Zn共晶钎料液滴在石英玻璃表面动态铺展行为,并利用ANSYS ICEM CFD软件构建石英玻璃/钎料液滴二维流-固耦合的网格模型,在Fluent的2D求解器中进行数值模拟,分析不同振幅的超声对钎料液滴内部压力变化的影响。结果表明:当超声振幅为4 μm时,钎料液滴最终铺展面积为0.193 cm2;随超声振幅增加,最终铺展面积增大,超声振幅为6 μm和8 μm时,钎料液滴最终铺展面积分别为0.242 cm2和0.395 cm2。超声振幅一定时,随时间延长,钎料液滴铺展速率逐渐降低;随超声振幅增加,同一时刻钎料液滴铺展速率增大。未施加超声时钎料液滴内各位置压力均为正压,且压力值小于400 Pa,而施加超声后钎料液滴内部压力产生周期性正负交替变化,且随超声振幅增加,钎料液滴内部压力绝对值显著增加。当超声振幅为4 μm时,钎料液滴内部压力绝对值最大约为700 kPa;超声振幅为8 μm时,钎料液滴内部压力绝对值最大可达1400 kPa。钎料液滴上各点均存在类正弦变化压力,其声压偏移量沿液滴顶部向下逐渐增大,在下边缘位置处达到最大。由于钎料液滴受类正弦变化且偏移量不同的压力,液滴沿偏移量梯度方向流动,从而导致钎料液滴发生铺展,最终钎料液滴外观形态发生显著变化。


关键字: 超声波;石英玻璃;钎料液滴;铺展

Effect of ultrasonic amplitude on dynamic spread behavior of solder droplets on quartz glass surface
MA Zhi-peng1, 2, YU Hai-yang1, XU Zhi-wu2, YUAN Yue1, CUI Wei1, YAN Jiu-chun2

1. Northeast Petroleum University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Daqing 163318, China;
2. Harbin Institute of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin 150001, China

Abstract:The dynamic spreading behavior of Sn-9Zn eutectic solder droplets was investigated on the surface of quartz glass using ultrasonic waves with different amplitudes. The two-dimensional flow-solid coupling model of quartz glass/solder droplets was constructed using ANSYS ICEM CFD software and the numerical simulations were performed on Fluent 2D solver to analyse the influence of the internal pressure of the solder droplets at different ultrasonic amplitudes. The results show that when the ultrasonic amplitude is 4 μm, the final spreading area of the solder droplet is 0.193 cm2. With an increase in the ultrasonic amplitude, the final spreading area of the droplets increases. When the ultrasonic amplitudes are 6 and 8 μm, the final spreading areas of the solder droplets are 0.242 and 0.395 cm2, respectively. When the ultrasonic amplitude is constant, the spreading rate of the solder droplets decreases gradually with time, whereas with an increase in the ultrasonic amplitude, their spreading rate increases. When no ultrasonic is applied, the pressure on the position of each solder droplet is positive and is less than 400 Pa. After the application of ultrasonic, the internal pressure of the solder droplets becomes periodic, alternating between positive and negative. And with an increase in the ultrasonic amplitude, the absolute value of the internal pressure of the solder droplets increases significantly. When the ultrasonic amplitude is 4 μm, the absolute value of the internal pressure of the solder droplets is about 700 kPa, and at 8 μm in ultrasonic amplitude, the absolute value of their internal pressure can reach 1400 kPa. There is a sine-like variation in pressure at each point of the solder droplets, and the sound pressure offset gradually increases from the top down, reaching a maximum at the droplets’ lower edge. Since the solder droplets are subjected to pressures with sine-like variations and different offsets, the droplets flow along the direction of the offset gradient, which causes them to spread in such a way that, finally, the appearance and morphology of the solder droplets change significantly.


Key words: ultrasonic; quartz glass; solder droplet; spreading

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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