Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第28卷    第12期    总第237期    2018年12月



Nb-Ti-Co氢分离合金优化设计和渗氢性能:Ⅱ. 渗氢性能和机理
闵若男1,闫二虎1,黄浩然1,朱坤军2,赵光伟3,李新中2,徐 芬1,孙立贤1

(1. 桂林电子科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,桂林 541004;
2. 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,哈尔滨 150001;
3. 三峡大学 机械与动力学院,宜昌 443002

摘 要: 系统研究Nb-Ti-Co三元合金系富Nb角相区渗氢成分区域内27种合金(膜)在523~673 K下的渗氢性能,并与Nb-Ti-Ni合金和纯Pd进行比较;而后分析区域内代表性合金(18#, 17#, 25#, 24#和33#)的持久性能、氢溶解和氢扩散特性,并结合“电阻模型”详细探讨Nb-Ti-Co合金(膜)的渗氢和抗氢脆机理。结果表明:在原有渗氢成分区域内排除六种氢脆合金后,重构渗氢区域,即区域III'''',该区域内18#合金(Nb65Ti20Co15)在673 K下具有最大的渗氢系数,为4.12×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2),其余合金按照渗氢系数高低(取前三)的排列顺序依次为17#、25#和24#,三者渗氢系数分别为3.99×10-8、3.72×10-8和3.58×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2);区域内33#、24#和18#合金的氢溶解和氢扩散系数依次增加,18#合金的氢溶解和氢扩散系数为15.6 mol/(m3·Pa0.5)和26.4×10-10 m2/s,分别是33#合金的1.16和1.35倍;区域III′内合金渗氢系数的增加(Ф18#>Ф24#>Ф33#)归结于同时增大的氢溶解和扩散系数,但后者起主要作用,18#合金的氢扩散激活能较低,氢原子容易跃迁,因此,该合金具有相对较高的氢扩散系数。


关键字: Nb-Ti-Co合金;氢渗透;氢溶解;氢扩散

Optimum design and hydrogen permeability of Nb-Ti-Co separation alloy: Ⅱ. Hydrogen permeability and mechanism
MIN Ruo-nan1, YAN Er-hu1, HUANG Hao-ran1, ZHU Kun-jun2, ZHAO Guang-wei2, LI Xin-zhong2, XU Fen1, SUN Li-xian1

1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China;
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
3. College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China

Abstract:The hydrogen permeability of 27 kinds of alloys in the hydrogen permeable component region of Nb-Ti-Co alloy system was studied in the region of 523-673 K, and compared with Nb-Ti-Ni and pure Pd. And then the durable performance, hydrogen dissolution and diffusion behaviors of typical alloys in the above component region were analyzed. The hydrogen permeable and anti-hydrogen brittleness mechanisms were also discussed by using the resistance model and the hydrogen dissolved model. The results show that after removing 6 hydrogen embrittlement alloys in original hydrogen permeable component region, an new component region was constructed, i.e., the region III''''. 18# alloy in the region III′ possesses the highest hydrogen permeability with 4.12×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2) at 673 K. The hydrogen permeability of the remaining alloys is listed in the order as follows: 17# (3.99×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2)), 25# (3.72×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2)) and 24# (3.58×10-8 mol/(m·s·Pa1/2)). The hydrogen dissolution and diffusion coefficients of 33#, 24# and 18# alloys in the region III'''' increase in sequence. The hydrogen dissolution and diffusion coefficients of 18# alloy are 15.6 mol/(m3·Pa0.5) and 26.4×10-10 m2/s, which are 1.16 and 1.35 times larger than those of 33# alloy. The increase of hydrogen permeability in the region III''''18#>Ф24#>Ф33#) can be attributed to the simultaneous increment of hydrogen dissolution and diffusion coefficient, but the later plays a key role. The hydrogen diffusion activation energy of 18# alloy is low and the hydrogen atoms are easy to jump. Therefore, this alloy has relatively high hydrogen diffusion coefficient.


Key words: Nb-Ti-Co alloy; hydrogen permeation; hydrogen dissolution; hydrogen diffusion

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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