Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第26卷    第10期    总第211期    2016年10月



张家靓1, 2,张建坤3,胡军涛1,张立峰1, 2

(1. 北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083;
2. 北京科技大学 稀贵金属绿色回收与提取北京市重点实验室,北京 100083;
3. 谦比希铜冶炼有限公司,基特韦 999134,赞比亚

摘 要:


关键字: 单体硫;热力学分析;火法炼铜;烟气

Thermodynamic analysis for influence factors on generation of elemental sulfur in copper-smelting flue gas
ZHANG Jia-liang1, 2, ZHANG Jian-kun3, HU Jun-tao1, ZHANG Li-feng1, 2

1. School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Recycling and Extraction of Metals,
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
3. Chambishi Copper Smelter Limited, Kitwe 999134, Zambia

Abstract:The thermodynamic equilibrium was investigated for the gaseous system of copper smelting using Factsage software. The mechanism was analyzed for the generation of elemental sulfur. The effects of initial amounts on gaseous components and temperature on the equilibrium amount of elemental sulfur were assessed. Obviously, the technical method for reducing the amount of elemental sulfur was presented. The results show that CO can reduce SO2, H2O to generate the low-valence gas, such as S2, H2S, H2. The equilibrium amount of S2 increases with the increase of CO, SO2 and the decrease of H2O. Increasing the temperature properly is beneficial to inhibit the generation of elemental sulfur. The S2 amount sharply decreases by blowing a certain amount of oxygen-enriched air into the flue gas, but excess air will reduce the temperature of flue gas, which is harmful for the removal of elemental sulfur.


Key words: elemental sulfur; thermodynamic analysis; copper pyrometallurgy; flue gas

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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