Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第25卷    第9期    总第198期    2015年9月



邹义坤1, 2,陈婷1, 2,周凤1, 2,严春杰1, 2,杨祥1,葛文1

(1. 中国地质大学(武汉) 材料与化学学院,武汉 430074;
2. 中国地质大学(武汉) 教育部纳米矿物材料及应用工程研究中心,武汉 430074

摘 要: 以新型改性脂肪酸Dd-21为捕收剂,考察Tween-80对低品位碳酸锰矿浮选的增效作用。通过Zeta电位、液体表面张力、红外光谱及量子化学计算,研究Tween-80的增效机理。结果表明:Tween-80能显著提高新型改性脂肪酸Dd-21对碳酸锰矿的捕收性能;当捕收剂Dd-21与Tween-80的质量比为3:1时,锰品位为10.69%的原矿,通过一次粗选工艺,浮选回收率为84.17%,精矿品位达16.32%。Tween-80的加入使溶液的表面张力降低,促进Dd-21在碳酸锰矿表面的吸附,使矿物表面的动电位降低;Tween-80和Dd-21在矿物表面产生了共吸附;Tween-80分子具有较大的偶极矩,氧原子上集中了较多的负电荷。分子中酯基部分和长链脂肪烃部分能分别以氢键与水作用、以范德华力与Dd-21的链烃基作用,分别发挥“亲水端”和“亲油端”的作用,增大Dd-21在水中的溶解度。


关键字: 碳酸锰;改性脂肪酸;浮选;Tween-80;增效作用

Synergistic effect of Tween-80 onflotation of low grade manganese carbonate
ZOU Yi-kun1, 2, CHEN Ting1, 2, ZHOU Feng1, 2, YAN Chun-jie1, 2, YANG Xiang1, GE Wen1

1.Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
2. Engineering Research Center of Nano-Geo Materials,
Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

Abstract:The synergistic effect of Tween-80 on modified fatty acid collector Dd-21 was investigated considering the flotation of low grade manganese carbonate. The synergistic mechanism was studied by the surface tension test, Zeta potential test, FTIR spectroscopy and quantum calculation. A concentrate with 84.17% recovery rate and 16.32% manganese grade is obtained from the raw ore with 10.69% manganese through one rougher flotation when the mass ratio of Dd-21 to Tween-80 is 3:1. The addition of Tween-80 would reduce the surface tension, promote the adsorption of Dd-21 on the surface of ore and reduce the Zeta potential. The co-adsorption between collector and Tween-80 exists on the surface of manganese carbonate. The strong dipole is found in Tween-80 and the negative charge focuses on the oxygen atoms. The hydrogen bond between oxygen and water, van der Waals interaction between the carbon chain in Tween-80 and carbon chain in Dd-21 would account for the solubilization of Dd-21 in water.


Key words: manganese carbonate; modified fatty acid; flotation; Tween-80; synergistic effect

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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