Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第25卷    第1期    总第190期    2015年1月



伍 凌,陈嘉彬,钟胜奎,张晓萍,刘洁群

(苏州大学 沙钢钢铁学院,苏州 215021)

摘 要: 采用机械活化-盐酸常压浸出法对钛铁矿进行了选择性浸出,研究机械活化对钛铁矿的结构、形貌、粒度及浸出效果的影响。结果表明,机械活化可以细化钛铁矿的粒径,增加颗粒表面的粗糙度,从而增大其比表面积;机械活化可以破坏钛铁矿晶粒的完整性,并产生大量晶格缺陷,使晶格膨胀,上述作用均能强化钛铁矿浸出。最优浸出条件为:盐酸质量分数20%,反应温度100 ℃,酸矿比1.2,钛铁矿活化时间2 h。最优条件下Ti和Fe的浸出率分别为1.07%和95.5%,最终Ti和Si富集在渣中,其他元素进入浸出液。将上述得到的富钛渣煅烧获得了品位高于90%的人造金红石。


关键字: 钛铁矿;机械活化;盐酸;浸出

Effect of mechanical activation on hydrochloric acid leaching ilmenite at atomospheric pressure
WU Ling, CHEN Jia-bin, ZHONG Sheng-kui, ZHANG Xiao-ping, LIU Jie-qun

School of Iron and Steel, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021, China

Abstract:The elements of ilmenite were selectively leached by mechanical activation and hydrochloric acid leaching at atmospheric pressure, the effect of mechanical actuation on the microstructure, morphology, size and leaching results was studied. The results show that mechanical activation can refine the grain size and increase the surface roughness of ilmenite particles, which result in the increase of the specific surface area. The mechanical activation can also disrupt the integrity of ilmenite crystal grains, and induce the formation of a large number of lattice defects, which lead to the lattice expansion. All the above actions can strengthen the leaching of ilmenite. The optimal leaching conditions are as follows: hydrochloric acid of 20% in mass fraction, reaction temperature of 100 ℃, hydrochloric acid/ilmenite mass ratio of 1.2:1, and mechanical activation time of 2 h. Under the optimal conditions, the leaching ratios of Ti and Fe are 1.07% and 95.5%, respectively. As a result, Ti and Si are still in the slag, and the other elements are enriched in the lixivium. In addition, the synthetic rutile with the grade of over 90% is obtained by calcinating the above titanium-slag.


Key words: ilmenite; mechanical activation; hydrochloric acid; leaching

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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