Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第10卷    第6期    总第39期    2000年12月



周学玺, 汪焕庆, 夏云龙, 朱  屯

(中国科学院 化工冶金研究所, 北京 100080)

摘 要:    研究了改性剂对季铵盐萃取分离钴(Ⅱ)、 铁(Ⅱ)、 锰(Ⅱ)的影响。 实验结果表明,有机酸HB改性剂在抑制钴(Ⅱ)、铁(Ⅱ)、 锰(Ⅱ)萃取的同时, 改变了铁的萃合物的性质, 使负荷有机相中的铁基本上不被纯水反萃, 但能被稀酸反萃完全, 因此采用洗涤和分步反萃的方法可以把钴(Ⅱ)、 铁(Ⅱ)、 锰(Ⅱ)分离开。 萃余液含钴小于0.03  g/L, 钴的回收率大于98%。 反萃的氯化钴溶液杂质含量较低, c (Co)/ c  (Fe)和 c (Co)/c (Mn)均大于300,符合优质工业氯化钴的质量要求。


关键字:   季铵氯化物; 萃取分离;钴(Ⅱ); 铁(Ⅱ); 锰(Ⅱ)

Solvent extractive separation of cobalt, iron and  manganese with quaternary ammonium chloride
ZHOU Xuexi, WANG Huanqing, XIA Yunlong, ZHU Tun

Institute of Chemical Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, P.R.China

Abstract:The effects of modifiers on the extraction of Co(Ⅱ), Fe(Ⅱ) and Mn(Ⅱ) with quaternary ammonium chloride(QAC) were investigated. It was found that modifier HB reduced the extraction of the three metals and also changed the property of the iron extract. The loading iron(Ⅱ) can not be stripped by water but dilute acidic solution. Co(Ⅱ), Fe(Ⅱ) and Mn(Ⅱ) could be separated by using scrubbing and stripping. The concentration of cobalt is less than 0.03  g/L in the raffinate, and the recovery of cobalt is higher than 98%. Both the mass ratios of Co toFe and Co to Mn are higher than 300 in the produced cobalt chloride, which meets the standard for high quality cobalt chloride.


Key words: quaternary ammonium chloride; extraction separation; cobalt(Ⅱ); iron(Ⅱ); manganese(Ⅱ)

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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