Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第10卷    第2期    总第35期    2000年4月



吕维洁1,张小农1,张 荻1,吴人洁1,卞玉君2,方平伟2

(1. 上海交通大学金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,上海200030;
2. 上海钢铁研究所钛合金分所,上海200940

摘 要: 利用钛与B4C之间的自蔓延高温合成反应经普通的熔铸工艺原位合成制备了TiC和TiB增强的钛基复合材料。光学金相、EPMA、TEM和X射线衍射的研究结果表明:存在两种不同形状的增强体,即短纤维状TiB晶须和等轴、近似等轴状TiC粒子。TiB 与Ti基体界面洁净,没有明显的界面反应,而TiC与Ti基体界面有非化学配比的TiC过渡层存在。由于增强体承受载荷,基体合金晶粒细化以及高密度位错的存在,制备钛基复合材料的室温和高温性能有了较大的提高。


关键字: 原位合成;钛基复合材料;TiC;TiB;力学性能

Microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ synthesized (TiB+TiC)/Ti matrix composites
LU Wei-jie1, ZHANG Xiao-nong1, ZHANG Di1, WU Ren-jie1, BIAN Yu-jun2, FANG Ping-wei2

1. State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, P.R.China;
2. Shanghai Iron and Steel Research Institute Titanium Alloys Branch, Shanghai 200940, P.R.China

Abstract:TiB and TiC reinforced Ti matrix composites have been produced in situ by common casting and hot-forging technology. The results of optical microscopy, EPMA, TEM and XRD show that there are two reinforcements with different shapes, namely, short-fibre TiB and equiaxed or near-equiaxed TiC particles. TiB whiskers were made to align along the hot-forging direction after hot-forging. The interface between reinforcements and Ti matrix alloy is clean. There isn't interface reaction between TiB and Ti matrix alloy, while there is non-stoichiometric annuli in interface between TiC and Ti matrix alloy. The mechanical properties at room and elevated temperature of Ti matrix composites have been improved at large scale due to the following reasons: TiB whiskers and TiC particles undertaking load, refining of titanium matrix alloy'grains and high density dislocation in Ti matrix alloy.


Key words: TiB; TiC Ti matrix composites; in situ synthesis; mechanical properties

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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