Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第13卷    第5期    总第56期    2003年10月



魏晓伟1, 2, 沈保罗1, 易 勇1

(1. 四川大学 金属材料系, 成都 610065; 
2. 四川工业学院 材料科学与工程系, 成都 610039

摘 要: 采用自制的实验装置研究了铸态ZA27合金在常温及高温时的压蠕变行为。在温度为20~160℃和压应力为50~137.5MPa的范围内, 随温度和应力的升高, 合金的压蠕变量增大,稳态蠕变速率的对数分别与应力和温度的对数曲线有较好的线性关系, 稳态蠕变速率符合半经验公式。 在不同的温度下, 应力指数n相近, 平均值为3.87; 不同的应力下, 表观激活能Qa相差不大, 平均值为83.73kJ/mol, 材料结构常数A为0.002, 稳态蠕变速率由锌的点阵扩散和位错的攀移所控制。


关键字: ZA27合金; 压蠕变; 应力指数; 激活能

Compressive creep behavior of 
as-cast ZA27 alloy
WEI Xiao-wei1, 2, SHEN Bao-luo1, YI Yong1

1. Department of Metal Materials, Sichuan University,
 Chengdu 610065, China;
2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
 Sichuan Institute of Technology,Chengdu 610039, China

Abstract:The compressive creep behavior of an as-cast ZA27 alloy was investigated at room and high temperatures in the range of 20~160℃ and different compressive stress in the range of 50~137.5MPa with special apparatus. The results show that the creep increases with increasing temperature and compressive stress. There is linear logarithmic relationship between the steady creep rate and all the temperature and stress used. The steady creep rate obeys an empirical equation. The stress exponents at different temperatures are similar, i.e. 3.97(20℃), 3.87(60℃), 3.82(100℃) and 3.81(160℃). And the appearance activation energies under different stresses are not greatly different, i.e. 84.58, 84.28, 83.15 and 83.89kJ/mol. The average values, stress exponent and activation energy, are 3.87 and 83.73kJ/mol respectively. Materials constant A is 0.002. The steady creep rate of the experimental alloy is controlled by lattice diffusion in zinc or by a dislocation limb.


Key words: ZA27 alloy; compressive creep; stress exponent; activation energy

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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