Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第15卷    第5期    总第74期    2005年5月



文章编号: 1004-0609(2005)05-0716-05
杨 毅, 李凤生, 刘宏英

(南京理工大学 化工学院, 南京 210094)

摘 要: 采用扫描电镜、透射电镜和X射线光电子能谱仪对包覆有纳米膜的复合金属铝粉进行分析,发现纳米包覆膜的厚度为10 nm左右; 金属粉的比表面积(BET)由包覆前的1.46 m2/g, 包覆后增加到13.74 m2/g, 提高了粉体的分散性; 包覆后的铝粉孔径—孔容图呈很好的光滑曲线, 表现出良好分散颗粒的孔径—孔容分布特征。 热分析研究表明, 包覆后的铝粉热量释放更大、 更快速、 更集中, 适合于固体推进剂所要求的能量释放特点。


关键字:  金属铝粉; 纳米材料; 包覆技术; 复合技术

Al powder coated with nanometer film
YANG Yi, LI Feng-sheng, LIU Hong-ying

School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of
 Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

Abstract: Nanometer film, which may catalyze the heat decomposing of ammonia perchloride, is coated on activated Al powder to improve the energy and combustion property of Al powder in solid propellant. It may increase the content of active Al of high-energy propellant contained the composite Al powder. Scanning electric microscopy and transmission electric microscopy are employed to analysis the composite Al powder coated with nanometer film. It indicates that the film uniformly coats on micrometer Al powder, and thickness of the film is about 10 nm. The specific area of Al powder is increased from 1.46 m2/g to 13.74 m2/g after coated with nanometer film. The thermal gravimetric analysis results show that the heat release of composite Al powder is faster, more concentrative and the released energy is much higher than that of raw Al powder. These features have a good agreement with the energy release characteristics of high-energy propellant. 


Key words: aluminum powder; nanometer materials; coating technique; compounding technique

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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