Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第16卷    第1期    总第82期    2006年1月



文章编号: 1004-0609(2006)01-0059-07
王立民1, 2, 徐久军1, 严 立1, 杨 钢2, 刘正东2

( 1. 大连海事大学 材料工艺研究所,大连 116026;
2. 钢铁研究总院 结构材料研究所, 北京 100081

摘 要:  采用有限元法、 Vickers压痕和滑动磨损实验研究超弹TiNi合金在法向载荷作用下的机敏摩擦学特性。 结果表明: 超弹TiNi合金的弹性恢复量大于奥氏体不锈钢, 在载荷为0.98 N时, 其弹性恢复量是不锈钢的1.30倍, 在本实验条件下, 其滑动磨损量是奥氏体不锈钢的0.14倍; 综合有限元计算结果、 Vickers压痕以及滑动磨损实验结果, 超弹TiNi合金的机敏摩擦学特性是其塑性变形临界载荷和最大弹性应变增加、 塑性区域面积减小以及应力增加速度减缓的综合体现。 这种机敏摩擦学特性是TiNi合金具有良好耐磨性的主要原因。


关键字:  有限元法; 超弹TiNi合金; 机敏摩擦学特性; 磨损机理

FEM study of smart tribological properties of pseudo-elastic TiNi alloys
WANG Li-min1, 2, XU Jiu-jun2, YAN Li2, YANG Gang1, LIU Zheng-dong1

1. Institute of Material and Technology, Dalian Marimetime University,
Dalian 116026, China;
2. Institute for Structural Materials, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China

Abstract: A finite element method (FEM) and Vickers indentation and sliding wear were used to study the smart tribological properties of pseudo-elastic TiNi alloys. The elastic recovery of TiNi alloys is higher than that of austenitic stainless steel, under the normal load of 0.98 N, the elastic recovery of the former is 1.30 times of that of the latter. The volume loss of the TiNi alloy is only 0.14 times of that of the austenitic steel under the sliding wear. Considering the results of FEM and Vickers indentation and sliding wear, the smart tribological properties of pesudo-elastic TiNi alloys are integrative embodiments as follows: increasing plastic deformation critical load and maximum elastic strain, decreasing the plastic deformation region and slowing the stress increasing trend. This smart tribological property is the main reason of high wear resistance of TiNi alloys.


Key words: finite element method; pseudo-elastic TiNi alloys; smart tribological properties; wear mechanism

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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