Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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第19卷    第1期    总第118期    2009年1月



吴湘江,蒋耀辉,彭振山,韦宗元,邓  谦,蔡铁军

(湖南科技大学 化学化工学院,湘潭 411201)

摘 要: 采用沉积−沉淀法制备Au/TiO2催化剂,并用IR、TG-DTA、XRD、TEM、BET、FL、XPS、UV-vis DRS和PL等分析方法对其进行表征;测试和计算在甲醇的光催化消除反应中Au/TiO2催化剂的动力学参数;以低级醇类消除反应为模式反应评价催化剂在紫外光照下的光催化性能。结果表明:Au质量分数为1%的Au/TiO2催化剂在200 ℃下活化4 h的光催化活性最佳,0.15 g催化剂可将初始浓度为7.0 g/m3、流速为12.5 mL/min的甲醇和初始浓度为2.14 g/m3、流速为5 mL/min的乙醇以及初始浓度为2.21 g/m3、流速为4 mL/min的正丙醇完全消除;得到的反应活化能Ea = 14.80 kJ/mol,拟合的曲线线性关系好(R = 0.981 1),符合一级动力学反应规律。


关键字: Au/TiO2;光催化消除;甲醇;乙醇;正丙醇

Preparation of Au/TiO2 catalyst and their performance for photo-catalytic elimination of light alcohols
WU Xiang-jiang, JINAG Yao-hui, PENG Zhen-shan, WEI Zong-yuan, DENG Qian, CAI Tie-jun

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology,
Xiangtan 411201, China

Abstract:Au/TiO2 catalyst was prepared by deposition-precipitation methods, and characterized by IR, TG-DTA, XRD, TEM, BET, FL, XPS and UV-vis DRS spectrum analysis. The dynamic parameters of the elimination of methanol over Au/TiO2 catalyst were also tested and computed. The photocatalytic eliminations of alcohol steams (methanol, ethanol, n-propanol) were used as model reaction to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the catalyst under ultraviolet light irradiation. The results show that TiO2 catalyst doped with 1%Au activated under 400 ℃ for 4 h has the highest activity. Methanol with initial concentration of 7.0 g/m3 and flow rate of 12.5 mL/min, ethanol with initial concentration of 2.14 g/m3 and flow rate of 5 mL/min, propanol with initial concentration of 2.21 g/m3 and flow rate of 4.0 mL/min can be completely eliminated when 0.15 g catalysts are used. The activation energy is 14.80 kJ/mol, the pre-exponential factor is 1.126 1 /s and the correlation coefficient R is 0.981 1, which accords to the first order dynamics law.


Key words: Au/TiO2; photocatalytic elimination; methanol; ethanol; propanol

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中国有色金属学会 承办:中南大学
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