Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

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Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

Vol. 22    No. 3    March 2012

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Intermetallics and phase relations of Mg−Zn−Ce alloys at 400 °C
HUANG Ming-li1, 2, LI Hong-xiao1, DING Hua1, BAO Li2, MA Xiao-bin2, HAO Shi-ming1

1. School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China;
2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University (Qinhuangdao),
Qinhuangdao 066004, China

Abstract:The crystal structures, compositions and phase relations of the intermetallics of Mg−Zn−Ce system in the Mg-rich corner at 400 °C were identified through equilibrium alloy method. For Mg−Zn−Ce system, there is a linear ternary compound (T phase), whose chemical formula is (Mg1−xZnx)11Ce. The range of Zn content in T phase is from 9.6% to 43.6% (molar fraction). The crystal structure of T phase is C-centered orthorhombic lattice with lattice parameters of a=0.96−1.029 nm, b=1.115−1.204 nm, c=0.940−1.015 nm. And the lattice parameters of T phase are decreasing a little with increasing Zn content. According to the results of composition and crystal structure, the maximal solubility of Zn in Mg12Ce is about 7.8% (molar fraction), and the chemical formula of the solid solution can be identified as (Mg1−xZnx)12Ce. The isothermal section of Mg−Zn−Ce system in Mg-rich corner at 400 °C was constructed.


Key words: Mg−Zn−Ce system; intermetallics; crystal structure; isothermal section

ISSN 1004-0609
CN 43-1238/TG

ISSN 1003-6326
CN 43-1239/TG

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